Natural Ways to Treat or Prevent Side Effects of Medicines

Every drug that is good for you also has a negative side, which is side effects. Every allopathic medication, whether it be used to treat heart disease or constipation, will undoubtedly have a major adverse effect that gets worse over time. Here, we'll explain how to avoid and treat the negative effects of allopathic drugs.

There is a natural product that can accomplish the same thing as every allopathic drug that benefits the patient. However, due to their quick results and the rapid alleviation they provide, we still favor using these medications.

How to cure the side effects of allopathic medicines in natural ways

A side effect is an undesired symptom that we get from medical treatment. We can get negative effects through a wide range of medicines. These medicines are prescribed by doctors and over-the-counter drugs, integral drugs including home remedies says Jim Owen, doctor of pharmacy and vice president of practice and science affairs at the American Pharmacists Association.

In research, we found that more than 20 million people are admitted to hospitals every year because of problems associated with the use of medicines, including side effects. In typical cases, death can also occur. It is always best to have your medications wisely. Only use medicine especially allopathic medicine when you really need that.

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Why do people prefer to use allopathic medicines?

Can you explain why drugs have turned into our first choice and not herbs? Well, you all know that in today’s fast-paced life we all want quick results and relief.

In some simple ailments, herbs do give immediate relief but in more serious cases natural treatment takes longer than you think which most people don’t have the patience for.

Also, the damage done by a disease is so extensive that we do need immediate relief, so we always think about allopathic medicines at first.

But, the major problem with all allopathic medicines is their negative effects. These drugs might cure your disease, but they will also give you another problem, resulting in another treatment with another medicine to reduce the side effect. This sometimes becomes a vicious cycle.

We understand that medication whether that is for the long-term or short term is required. But to counter the side effects of these medicines rather than taking another drug, we should opt for natural remedies and herbs as much as possible.

Most common side effects of allopathic medication

All allopathic medicines can cause unwanted side effects. For example, antibiotics from sulfonamide and penicillin families can cause bloating, belching, gas, constipation, diarrhea, hyperacidity and allergic reactions in around 10% of the population like skin rashes and itching.

People normally think that because they have a side effect from one medicine, they can’t take any other medicine in the same class, but it’s not true,” Liu says. “Sometimes side effects are due to a particular component that not every brand uses”.

Many drugs prescribed by doctors, cause stomach problems like nausea, diarrhea, or constipation because they go through our digestive system. Others like antidepressants, muscle relaxants, or blood pressure or diabetes medicines may cause vertigo.

Others might make you feel drowsy, depressed, or irritable. Some may increase your weight. Some may give you insomnia or make you impotent.

The most common side effects of medicines are hyperacidity, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, water retention, mouth sores, ulcers, weight gain or weight loss, bone and joint pains, hair loss, high blood pressure, liver damage, kidney damage, drowsiness and sometimes hallucinations.

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Common types of medication and their side effects

If you are taking arthritis medicines then you may face stomach upset and nausea, stomach ulcers, insomnia, dry mouth, vomiting, and abnormal liver and kidney function. Some patients develop mouth sores, rash, diarrhea and mouth ulcers.

If you take an antidepressant that makes you feel better but also causes you to gain weight.

Some drugs, like cholesterol drugs and blood thinners, may make you sensitive to the sun, so wear sunscreen or cover up outside. You can also face confusion or memory loss problem.

If you take antacids to treat hyperacidity, they can also cause constipation or diarrhea.

If you are taking medicines for blood pressure like ACE inhibitors then you can have a dry cough. You may also feel dizzy or have an upset stomach. ACE inhibitors can affect kidney function.

TB drugs can cause gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea, vomiting and weight loss due to decreased appetite. These drugs can also cause a dry mouth and sore throat.

Travel Tabs (dimenhydrinate) can cause constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, glaucoma, excitement (especially in children) and lack of energy. In some cases, you can also feel blurred vision or any change in vision, confusion, and difficulty in passing urine. Less than 1% of patients can face rapid, shallow breathing, seizure, and symptoms of a severe allergic reaction like difficulty breathing, hives, and swelling of the face, mouth, tongue, or throat. A pregnant woman should not consume these medicines.

Anti-inflammatory drugs which we used to treat ulcerative colitis can cause a headache, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, rash, fever, and decreased white blood cell count. You can also face decreased sperm production, abdominal pain and cramps, diarrhea, gas, hair loss, and dizziness.

Immune system suppressors are responsible for decreased kidney function, increased risk of infections, increased cholesterol levels, sleep troubles, headache, high blood pressure, swollen gums, and increased risk of lymphoma. Find natural remedies to cure sleep disorders.

Diabetes medication causes nausea or an upset stomach. You can also feel low blood sugar, skin rash or itching, and weight gain. Other possible side effects are kidney complications, tiredness or dizziness, metal taste, gas, bloating and diarrhea.

All the medicines used to treat fever, cold and cough and antibiotics affect the working of the liver and kidney. This issue increases with time and if you take these drugs often then you may face liver or kidney failure.

Alternative medicines can interfere with allopathic medicines

A further complication is the interaction of herbal medicines with allopathic medicines the person may be taking at the same time. Many of us take alternative medicines and prescription medicines at the same time.

This may increase the risk of side effects because the active ingredients in the various medicines can interact in a negative way. Sometimes alternative medicines may increase or decrease the effectiveness of allopathic medicine.

A few examples of interactions between alternative medicines and allopathic medicines that can put you at risk are:

  • Echinacea herbs may interact with medications broken down by the liver.
  • Many herbal medicines like feverfew, ginkgo, and chamomile may increase the risk of bleeding in people taking anticoagulant medicines such as warfarin and anti-inflammatory medicines such as aspirin.

  • Hypericum perforatum plant could cause breakthrough bleeding and unwanted pregnancy in women taking the oral contraceptive pill.
  • Perforate St John’s-wort increases serotonin. If you are taking this herb with other medicine that increases serotonin (such as antidepressants) then it will increase the risk of serotonin toxicity (serotonin syndrome). Symptoms include tremors, high temperature, and low blood pressure, and can range from mild to life-threatening.

Consuming alcohol with medicines can also cause side effects

If you are having alcohol with allopathic drugs then you may face unwanted and sometimes dangerous side effects.

A few examples are:

If you are taking antihistamines, antidepressant medicines, sleeping tablets, or medicines for anxiety then alcohol can cause drowsiness or vertigo.

Alcohol and medicines for high blood pressure, travel sickness, and some pain relievers can also interact with each other.

Some antibiotics interact negatively with alcohol. For example, the antibiotics metronidazole and tinidazole can cause a severe reaction if consumed with alcohol, including nausea, vomiting, skin flushing, headache, and a fast or irregular heartbeat. Other antibiotic medicines can cause stomach pain, drowsiness, or dizziness if consumed with alcohol.

Alcohol can stay in your body for many hours after your last drink, so it is important to avoid alcohol.

Natural ways to avoid side effects of medicines

Side effects of allopathic medicines are unavoidable. We understand that medicines and drugs have the ability to help people who need them. However, their harmful effects are higher than their good effects.

We use antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. These antibiotics help you to restore your health. But these powerful medicines including penicillin, amoxicillin, and tetracycline can cause some unpleasant side effects like hyperacidity, stomach bloating, diarrhea, yeast overgrowth, and gastrointestinal trouble.

Antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria causing your sickness; they also kill beneficial bacteria that contribute to a healthy digestive system. Here we have some natural ways to save you from the side effects of drugs and hopefully minimize the need for any or most of them.

1. Eat Indian gooseberry (amla) to prevent medicine side effects

Amla fruit is the richest source of Vitamin C. It balances the three doshas in the human body. The Indian Gooseberry is rich in vitamins and minerals. It has Vitamin A, and C, Omega 3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, iron, calcium, manganese, potassium, copper, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Amla fruit also has a little selenium and zinc. It has high antioxidant properties because it has significant amounts of ellagitannins such as pedunculagin (14%), punigluconin (12%), emblicanin B (33%), and emblicanin A (37%).

According to Ayurveda, Amla is the world’s healthiest superfood. It helps you get rid of free radicals. It’s a laxative and diuretic which helps to remove toxins out-of-body. The amla fruit helps flush out the toxins in the body. It promotes liver health.

It’s a natural antibiotic so rather than taking allopathic antibiotics use amla powder or juice every day. If you use it regularly, the Indian gooseberry will build your immunity power significantly.

Indian gooseberry can easily cure indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, mouth ulcers, and acidity.

This is the best medicine to prevent hair fall and aging of cells. It augments the overall health system by enhancing metabolism. If you are feeling sickness, nausea, or vertigo because of medicines then take amla juice or powder.

Doses: Take 2 tablespoonfuls of amla powder with normal water every morning. You can also consume 10 ml of amla juice every day.

If you consume amla in any form every day, then it will 100% save you from all side effects of all medicines. The reason is that it will save you from most diseases so there will be no need to take any allopathic medicine.

2. Probiotics to cure the side effects of antibiotics

If you are facing side effects of antibiotics then the probiotic supplements can help you to prevent gastrointestinal issues like hyperacidity, stomach bloating, diarrhea, etc. You can eat yogurt and kefir. Fermented foods like pickles, pickled turnips, and carrots are good sources of natural probiotics.

A few examples of probiotics are:

  • Yogurt
  • kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Soybeans
  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha (Kombucha is a fermented black or green tea drink)

  • Pickles
  • Buttermilk

3. Turmeric milk

The very first method to avoid side effects is to avoid antibiotics as much as possible and use natural herbs in place of allopathic antibiotics.

Take one glass of lukewarm milk and mix one tablespoonful of turmeric powder in it. Consume this milk 2 times a day. One glass in the morning and one every night before going to bed. Turmeric is a natural antibiotic that really works in most cases.

4. Herbal Tea

If you feel nausea, vertigo, or diarrhea after taking antibiotics then have one cup of ginger tea. It will soothe your stomach. You can also have green tea or raspberry leaf tea.

To make herbal tea, boil five mint leaves, little ginger, and about half a teaspoon of carom seeds (Ajwain or bishop’s weed) in a glass of water till the water is reduced to half. Drink this 3 times a day.

5. Lemon, garlic, and honey

If you are feeling hyperacidity, diarrhea, or nausea because of medicines then do not use antacids because antacids can also cause constipation or diarrhea. Rather than using antacids, have one glass of hot water with lemon juice in it.

Squeeze one lemon in one glass of hot water and drink at least twice a day. Lemon water will also help you to remove toxins from your body. Lemon is best for detoxification of the liver and kidneys.

For diarrhea, black tea with lemon juice is very beneficial. Lemon tea contains astringent tannins that help reduce intestinal inflammation. To get the electrolytes lost during severe diarrhea, have some lime juice with little sugar and salt. Also, have coconut water 2 times a day.

Lemon is also helpful to cure oral ulcers. Have lemon water every day and apply little honey on mouth ulcers.

Have some garlic buds every day. Allicin present in garlic helps you to get rid of the antibiotics in the body.

6. Citrus fruits and Aloe vera

All citrus fruits are very effective to cure the side effects of allopathic medicines. The same lemon, oranges, grapefruit, pomelo, and limes are very beneficial to prevent acidity, stomach bloating, constipation, and other gastrointestinal troubles.

We advise you to eat these fruits rather then having their juices. Vitamin C is better obtained from oranges, and having their juices will only give you excess sugar, which will make your condition worst.

Aloe vera juice protects the intestinal lining. Aloe vera protects you from stomach ulcers and acidity.

7. Make healthy lifestyle changes and eat healthily

To reduce the side effects of drugs you should change your diet. A healthy diet is rich in protein, healthy fats, and vegetables. You should consume food low in carbohydrates, processed foods, and sugar.

Sugar can make every medical condition worst. Other lifestyle changes include drinking plenty of water, using black salt instead of table salt, and exercising regularly.

Quit smoking and drinking alcohol and carbonated beverages. Avoid chocolates and sugary and starchy foods. Also cut out on dairy products, fatty and spicy foods, tea, and coffee. Eat light, easily digestible food. Do some light exercises daily.

Have fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamins A, C, E, zinc, and selenium. Be sure that you do not have constipation. Take Psyllium husk and flax seeds to cure constipation naturally.

Because of some medications, you can face weight loss due to severe loss of appetite. Add good proteins and good fats to overcome this situation.

A few examples of good proteins and good fats are:

  • Avocados.
  • Dark Chocolate.
  • Whole Eggs.
  • Nuts.
  • Chia Seeds.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Beans.
  • Soy foods.

Fruits like guavas, avocados, apricots, kiwifruit, blackberries, oranges, bananas, cantaloupe, raspberries, and peaches.

Some medicines can cause bone and joint pain. These drugs leach calcium and vitamin D from our bodies. To counter this situation, add dairy products to your diet like milk, cheese, and curd. Take a sunbath every morning.

To prevent liver and kidney toxicity, we have to do liver and kidney detoxification after every few days. Lemon and garlic play the main role in this. Have a glass full of lemon water every morning and chew 2-3 raw garlic cloves. Drink a lot of water every day for better working of kidneys.

8. Educate yourself and follow instructions

Take all medicines strictly as prescribed by your doctor. All drugs can cause more side effects at higher doses so always take the dose prescribed by your doctor. Learn about your medicine. All medicines have complete information about all drugs has been used to make that medicine including the side effects of every component.

You can also do some research about that medicine and its side effects online. The Internet has complete information about every medicine including its benefits and negative effects. If you find any drug which caused any side effects in past then consult your doctor and tell him about this.

Try to avoid taking allopathic medicines and alternative medicines at the same time because it can make the situation worst.

For every drug, there is a natural alternative available. Try to use that natural herb first to treat that alignment.

Do not try to be a doctor yourself. Many of us take medicine without consulting a doctor which may be harmful to us.

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