Instead of Rubbing Your Itchy Eyes, Try One of These Effective Home Remedies.

You may involuntarily touch your eyes as a result of excessive screen time, air pollution, dust, and lack of sleep. In addition to allergies, dry eyes can also make your eyes itch. To solve your itchy eye problem, try out some efficient home treatments. Here, we provide a few simple home treatments to assist you in achieving that.

It is quite common to sometimes get a scratchy feeling in the eyes. Too much screen time, pollution, dust, and lack of sleep can make you rub your eyes unconsciously. Dry eyes can also cause that itchy sensation in your eyes as can allergies. But the problem is that this can cause damage to the tissues in your eyes. At times, it may lead to more serious vision problems too. It is easy to say, stop rubbing your eyes. But itchy eyes can be a real problem and you may not get relief till you rub them. 


Effective Home Remedies for Your Itchy Eyes

So, what do you do? Visiting an ophthalmologist is an option. He will give you medication to help you deal with your problem. Alternatively, you may also try out some effective home remedies to overcome your problem of itchy eyes. Here, we reveal a few easy home remedies to help you do just that.

Use a cold pack


This is a simple home remedy for Itchy eyes. Sometimes, the cause of your condition may be eye fatigue or dust exposure. Try placing a cold and wet cloth over the eyes for 15 minutes. This will soothe and refresh your eyes. This is an effective remedy and it will help you get rid of your discomfort. ( 10 Deadly Risks of Drinking Cold Water After Meals)

Apply aloe vera juice

Aloe vera has amazing soothing properties and it helps heal and restore many skin conditions and irritations. It can also help you get rid of your itchy eyes. Just slice a leaf diagonally and scoop out the gel. Put this in a blender and add 1 ice cube and a teaspoon of water. Mix well. Dip a cotton ball in this mixture and place it on your eyelids for a few minutes. It will not only give relief from the itching but also refresh your eyes.

Try the cold milk and rose water remedy

Both milk and rose water are great options to soothe and rejuvenate dull skin. It can help you find relief from your condition too. All you have to do is mix two tablespoons of cold milk with 2 tablespoons of rose water. Dip a cotton ball in this mixture and place it on your eyelids for relief.

ALSO: Eye Health: Foods, Vitamins and Nutrients to Improve Eyesight

Chamomile helps too

Chamomile tea can have a calming effect on you. But this can also help you get rid of your itchy eyes. Just save your used chamomile tea bags and keep them in the freezer. Place this over your eyes whenever you get that itchy feeling. Alternatively, you may also use chamomile flower or chamomile oil. But this can get messy. So, tea bags will be the best option.

Try out this spicy remedy

Both fennel seeds and coriander seeds might aid in the treatment of this ailment. Fennel seeds actually have strong therapeutic properties. On the other hand, coriander has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. You can do this to remove allergies from your eyes. You can also use it to eliminate dry eyes. Simply combine one tablespoon of coriander or fennel seeds with one cup of water and bring it to a boil. Wash your eyes with some cooled water. Using a dropper, you can administer the coriander water directly to the eyes.


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