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5 Natural Remedies For Menstrual Cramps And Heavy Bleeding

Each month, a lot of women experience painful periods. Sadly, it may also be accompanied by other signs and symptoms including discomfor...

DR. APPIAH 8 Sep, 2022

How to Clear a Stuffy Nose Naturally Under 1 Minute

A stuffy nose can be so annoying. Sometimes your nose will get blocked, and sometimes it drips. You neither inhale nor exhale. You may a...

DR. APPIAH 7 Sep, 2022

Numerous Effect of Potash (Akanwu) on Human Health

Potash is a naturally occurring lake salt that is both dry and hydrated and is chemically regarded as alkaline. In Nigeria, it is the s...

DR. APPIAH 6 Sep, 2022

How to Preserve Fresh Tomatoes Without Freezing - Step By Step Guide To Store Tomatoes

The tomato harvest always seems to come at once and becomes better and better every year. Even while fresh tomatoes are great in salads,...

DR. APPIAH 5 Sep, 2022

14 Health Benefits of Cloves Mixed With Milk #Very Healthy

As you definitely know, cloves are ancient spices from the evergreen clove tree. They are generally utilized in an assortment of baked...

DR. APPIAH 4 Sep, 2022

Lemon and Garlic: A Natural Cancer Treatment

Lemon and garlic are common items in our kitchens, and we are all aware of their therapeutic benefits. It has been discovered that raw g...

DR. APPIAH 4 Sep, 2022

Six (6) Natural Ways to Remove Pesticides From Fruits and Vegetables

The number of pesticides in the fruits and vegetables we consume ought to be as low as feasible. It has been demonstrated that doing thi...

DR. APPIAH 3 Sep, 2022

Baking soda: An Easy and Powerful Natural Treatment for Acid Reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) happens when your stomach contents come back up into your esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GE...

DR. APPIAH 2 Sep, 2022

7 Easy Homemade DIY Treatments for Gallstones

Similar to kidney stones, gallstones can cause excruciating pain. The likelihood of developing this condition increases with age, and o...

DR. APPIAH 1 Sep, 2022

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