Six (6) Natural Ways to Remove Pesticides From Fruits and Vegetables

The number of pesticides in the fruits and vegetables we consume ought to be as low as feasible. It has been demonstrated that doing this will promote a healthy brain, safeguard children's health, and lower the chance of cancer.

Depending on the type of food and the nation where it is cultivated, the danger from pesticides on traditional produce ranges from extremely low to extremely high. The variations might be very noticeable. For instance, consuming one serving of American green beans poses a 200 times greater risk than consuming one serving of American broccoli.

Natural Ways to Remove Pesticides From Fruits and Vegetables

There are lots of ways to reduce the pesticides in fruits and veggies, even simple as just a rinse in cold water.

1# C
old water washing

According to The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), 3/4 or even more pesticides may be removed by cold water washing.

Take a look below to find out more natural solutions to wash your fruits and vegetables.

2# Salt water

Add 2 teaspoons of salt to warm water and let it cool, then soak the food for half an hour before rinsing with cold water. This will help remove further pesticides than cold water alone. (Confirmed Benefits of Gargling Salt Water for Bad Breath, You Won’t Believe This!)

3# White Vinegar solution

This is another simple but effective solution, pour a tablespoon of white vinegar into a bowl of warm water, soak your food for some minutes, and then rinse with cold water.

According to the Environmental Working Group, it is the effect of acetic acid in white vinegar, which helps to dissolve the pesticide residues that existed on the skins of fruits and veggies and also kills more than 90% of bacteria.

Besides, soaking your fruits and veggies in vinegar solution also will keep them fresh for longer, and kill two birds with one stone, yes?

4# Make a natural cleansing spray with baking soda and lemon juice

You can make a simple natural cleansing spray by mixing 1 tablespoon lemon juice with 2 tablespoons baking soda in a spray bottle of water. Spray the mixture with your fruits and vegetables and rinse it with cold water after some minutes. The combination of these 2 ingredients will clean your foods without any harmful effects. (4 Great Uses of Baking Soda for Skin)

5# A good method to wash berries (as they are so delicate and hard to clean)

You may also feel it’s difficult to wash berries, yes? Diluted fresh lemon juice can be used to clean them well, simply mix 2 cups of water with 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice and spray on your berries. Make sure the berries are well coated and soak them in cold water for 10 minutes. Let them dry before eating or storing.

6# Natural vegetables washed with lemon essential oil

Add 2-3 lemon essential oil into filtered water in a big bowl or your sink, soak your fruits and veggies and stir them around to make sure they’re all well coated with the solution. Rinse with fresh water after a minute or two.

Wash your fruits and vegetables, wash them right! What are your cleaning methods for your fruits and veggies? Share with us!


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