Numerous Effect of Potash (Akanwu) on Human Health

Potash is a naturally occurring lake salt that is both dry and hydrated and is chemically regarded as alkaline. In Nigeria, it is the second most widely used salt. In addition to being called Akanwu, kaun, or kanwa, it is also known as a potassium carbohydrate. Because of its potential consequences on the user or its applications, it is regarded as a contentious salt.

Numerous Effect of Potash (Akanwu) on Human Health\

Health Benefits Of Potash

1. Potash is popularly used for cooking foods such as beans, nkwobi, akidi, ukwa, ewedu, meat etc with the purpose of tendering or making the food soft for human consumption and also reducing the time for cooking.

2. Potash is added to o
kro stew or soup to increase the viscosity and the texture of the vegetable.

3. Domestically, potash powder is mixed with water and applied to an aching tooth to relieve it of the toothache.

4. Domestically, potash is used as a preservative.

5. Potash has an anti-fungicidal effect that helps to combat the formation of molds and mildew.

6. The powder of Potash is used as a fire suppressant for fighting fire outbreaks.

7. Potash serves as an expectorant to combat cough.

8. Potash acts as an antacid that is helpful to combat constipation and flatulence.

9. Consumption of potash by nursing mothers is an added advantage since it boosts breast milk production for lactating mothers.

Side Effects Of Potash on Human Health

1. Consuming potash of high quality causes uterine contractions in women, which may lead to an early abortion or premature delivery.

2. Potash consumption lowers the protein content of the diet.

3. Men who consumed too much potash were more likely to have poor sperm quality.

4. Regular consumption of potash is harmful to the liver and kidneys.

5. Potash contains a lot of sodium, which builds up in the blood and may cause high blood pressure.
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