How to Clear a Stuffy Nose Naturally Under 1 Minute

A stuffy nose can be so annoying. Sometimes your nose will get blocked, and sometimes it drips. You neither inhale nor exhale. You may also feel that your nose is packed with a lot of mucus. But when you blow your nose, nothing comes out.

The nose has a vast network of blood vessels with valves that open and close. Whenever you catch an infection, your nasal nerves get stimulated, causing valves to open, which results in more blood entering the nose. It causes swelling in your nasal passages that make your nose stuffy.

There are various causes of the stuffy nose including,

  • Bacterial, viral, and fungal infection
  • Common cold
  • Sinusitis
  • Allergic
  • Asthma
  • Deviated nasal symptoms
  • Nasal polyp

There are various lines of treatment according to the underlying cause. Whenever your nasal congestion or stuffy nose remains for more than ten days with other symptoms such as fever, you need to seek medical attention. However, a stuffy nose can be treated easily with plenty of home remedies in an earlier phase. Home remedies and palliative measures can work effectively to calm the irritated nasal passage. (Banana Honey Cough Remedy: Mix Bananas, Honey, Water and Cough and Bronchitis Will Disappear)

How to Clear a Stuffy Nose Naturally Under 1 Minute


How to Clear a Stuffy Nose Naturally Under 1 Minute

There is a simple breathing exercise to clear a stuffy nose naturally. It will clear your stuffy nose and help you get rid of nasal congestion in a minute, but make sure you follow the instructions correctly.

How to open blocked nose instantly

This exercise worked for over 85% of people.

1. Pinch your nose and walk fast. Keep your nose pinched and your mouth closed. You should make about 20-30 steps.

2. While you walk, hold your breath until you get a strong urge to breathe. Sit down, and keep your spine straight. Focus on the breath.


3. Release your nose, resume your usual breathing, and remember, no deep breaths, and keep your mouth closed. Instead of big inhalations, take small breaths and relax the exhalation muscles, particularly your upper chest and other respiratory muscles.

4. Take another, and again, smaller inhale, then relax. With each inhalation practice shallow breathing and remain relaxed.

5. The purpose is to maintain the air hunger for 2-3 minutes and keep your muscles relaxed. You can breathe frequently during this shallow breathing, but there is no problem.

You may find this exercise too simple, but it really works. Once you clear your nose, remember to breathe through the nose, and not through your mouth.

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