Home Remedies for Herpes: Natural Supplements and Medications

Genital herpes treatment


Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection that affects men and women. Features of genital herpes include pain, itching and sores in your genital area. But you may have no signs or symptoms of genital herpes. If infected, you can be contagious even if you have no visible sores.

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes genital herpes. Sexual contact is the primary way that the virus spreads. After the initial infection, the virus lies dormant in your body and can reactivate several times a year.

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There's no cure for genital herpes, but medications can ease symptoms and reduce the risk of infecting others. Condoms also can help prevent transmission of the virus.


Most people who've been infected with HSV don't know they have the infection because they have no signs or symptoms or because their signs and symptoms are so mild.

When present, the symptoms of genital herpes include:
  • Pain or itching that begins within two to 10 days after exposure to an infected sexual partner
  • Small red bumps or tiny white blisters, which may appear several days later
  • Ulcers that form when the blisters rupture and ooze or bleed
  • Scabs that form as the ulcers heal
  • Ulcers may make it painful to urinate. You also may experience pain and tenderness in your genital area until the infection clears.
  • During an initial outbreak, you may have flu-like signs and symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes in your groin, headache, muscle aches and fever.

Differences in symptom location

Sores appear where the infection entered your body. You can spread the infection by touching a sore and then rubbing or scratching another area of your body, including your eyes.

Men and women can develop sores on the:
  • Buttocks
  • Anus
  • Mouth

Women can also develop sores in or on the:
  • Vaginal area
  • External genitals
  • Cervix

Men can also develop sores in or on the:
  • Penis
  • Scrotum
  • Thighs
  • Urethra, the channel inside the penis leading to the bladder



Two types of herpes simplex virus infections can cause genital herpes:

HSV-1. This is the type that usually causes cold sores or fever blisters around your mouth, though it can be spread to your genital area during oral sex. Recurrences are much less frequent than they are with HSV-2 infection.

HSV-2. This is the type that commonly causes genital herpes. The virus spreads through sexual contact and skin-to-skin contact. HSV-2 is very common and highly contagious, whether or not you have an open sore.

Because the virus dies quickly outside of the body, it's nearly impossible to get the infection through contact with toilets, towels or other objects used by an infected person.

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Your risk of becoming infected with genital herpes may increase if you:
  • Are a woman. Women are more likely to have genital herpes than are men. The virus is sexually transmitted more easily from men to women than it is from women to men.
  • Have multiple sexual partners. Each additional sexual partner raises your risk of being exposed to the virus that causes genital herpes.


Complications associated with genital herpes may include:
  • Other sexually transmitted infections. Having genital sores increases your risk of transmitting or contracting other sexually transmitted infections, including AIDS.
  • Newborn infection. Babies born to infected mothers can be exposed to the virus during the birthing process. This may result in brain damage, blindness or death for the newborn.
  • Bladder problems. In some cases, the sores associated with genital herpes can cause inflammation around the tube that delivers urine from your bladder to the outside world (urethra). The swelling can close the urethra for several days, requiring the insertion of a catheter to drain your bladder.
  • Meningitis. In rare instances, HSV infection leads to inflammation of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord.
  • Rectal inflammation (proctitis). Genital herpes can lead to inflammation of the lining of the rectum, particularly in men who have sex with men.

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The suggestions for preventing genital herpes are the same as those for preventing other sexually transmitted infections: Abstain from sexual activity or limit sexual contact to only one person who is infection-free. Short of that, you can:
  • Use, or have your partner use, a latex condom during every sexual contact
  • Avoid intercourse if either partner has an outbreak of herpes in the genital area or anywhere else

Pregnancy precautions

If you're pregnant and know you have genital herpes, tell your doctor. If you think you might have genital herpes, ask to be tested for it.

Your doctor may recommend that you start taking herpes antiviral medications late in pregnancy to try to prevent an outbreak around the time of delivery. If you're having an outbreak when you go into labor, your doctor will probably suggest a cesarean section to reduce the risk of passing the virus to your baby.


Finding out that you have genital herpes can cause embarrassment, shame and anger, among other emotions. You may be suspicious or resentful of your partner if you think he or she "gave" you the infection. Or you might fear rejection by your current partner or future partners.

What you're feeling is normal. Here are healthy ways to cope with having genital herpes:

Communicate with your partner. Be open and honest about your feelings. Trust your partner and believe what he or she tells you. Don't assign blame. Genital herpes can lie dormant in your body for years, so it's often difficult to determine when you became infected.

Educate yourself. Talk with your doctor or a counselor to learn how to live with the condition and minimize your chances of infecting others. 

Home Remedies for Herpes: Natural supplements and medications

Home Remedies for Herpes: Natural supplements and medications

Natural remedies are anecdotal and not approved by the FDA, but can be worth a try. These options include:

Propolis is a waxy substance produced by bees. Early research on using propolis to treat herpes has promising results and it may be more effective than acyclovir.

Prunella vulgaris (also called self-heal or heal-all) is an herb that can fight against HSV due to its anti-viral, immune-supportive, and stress-reducing properties that also help maintain skin health.

Rozites caperata (a mushroom) has been found by a research group from the University of Wisconsin Madison, WI to contain an anti-viral protein that inhibits the herpes virus.

Echinacea has anti-viral properties and can give the immune system a boost. Echinacea can be taken as a tea, juice, or pill. According to WebMD this supplement does not perform better than placebo.

Baking Soda can help get rid of sores sooner by drying them out, although there are no scientific studies supporting its use. Apply baking soda with a cotton ball. (4 Great Uses of Baking Soda for Skin)

Olive Oil can help soothe sores. It’s active antiviral ingredient is Oleuropein.

Epsom Salt Baths help dry the skin and relax the body.

Aloe Vera gel can help heal and soothe sores from herpes and has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. (POTENT JUICE: Benefits of Aloe Vera + Pineapple + Mint + Lime Combination)

Tea Tree Oil is sometimes used to help heal ulcers in your mouth. It can also help heal blisters and sores caused by the herpes virus, but do not take internally or apply undiluted as it can be harmful.

Lemon Balm contains acids and flavonoids that might help heal blisters and sores. Teas, ointments and creams can be used to bring relief and help heal.

Black Tea has some anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties via a compound called theaflavin. You can apply the steeped bags (after letting them cool) directly to sores to help them heal. Other tea compresses can be tried as well including: lemon, peppermint, cinnamon, ginger, chamomile, or mint. Green tea in particular has proven anti-viral properties.

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  • Janice Morgan
    Janice Morgan January 18, 2022 at 5:32 PM

    God bless Dr. AFRID for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS since 2018 and I was taking my medications, I wasn’t satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr. AFRID , how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine within 3 days. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 2weeks later i was cured from HERPES contact him via email (drafridherbalhome@gmail.com) once again thanks to you Dr. AFRID cure the flowing virus, contact his email or add him on whatsapp (+2349057260738)
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