What Are The Health Benefits of Tomatoes? 8 Health Benefits of Eating Raw Tomatoes

Tomato is one of the indispensable ingredients in our food preparations. Did you also know that aside using it in our foods, they are also beneficial? 
Consumption of tomato is one of the most important human diets as it has vitamins, antioxidants, anticancer compounds and one of the important sources of bioactive compounds. Different have study has shown that daily consumption of tomato with regular diet can be one the significant progress for human health. Even it is called one of the healthy fruits and vegetables as it gives lots of health benefits of human being

8 Health Benefits of Eating Raw Tomatoes

Since ancient time, tomato is popular fruit and vegetables and in modern age and to lead a healthy life, it is endless to say the importance of tomato, diverse health benefits of tomatoes and nutritional role. Tomato can be said that it is one of the best medicines for different kinds of cancer as well as different health related problem. We will discuss anti-cancer role of tomato and more health related problems.

The Health Benefit of Tomatoes at a glance

Carotenoid as Lycopene, B-carotene, lutein– control oxidative stress, fight cancer like prostate, breast, lung, oral and pancreatic, protect against cardiovascular disease, improve eyesight.

Vitamins as vitamin E, C and folate– Inhibit of lipid peroxidation and cardio vascular disease, decrease total cholesterol and develop fetal growth of the pregnant woman, reduce the risk of neural tube defects.

Phenolic compounds as Flavonoids, phenolic acids and tannins-prevent inflammation, protect against DNA oxidation and antitumor, prevents antibacterial, antiviral induced disease.

1. Anti-Cancer role of tomato

Lung cancer is one of the reasons for early death. Smoking is one of the high rated reasons for lung cancer. Scientific and increasing evidence suggests that tomato contains lycopene and this lycopene plays strong role in preventing against the growth and development of lung cancer. The human lung is damaged and vulnerable to cancer when smoking induced squamous metaplasia in the lung of ferrets. High dose or low dose of lycopene has been found that there is no evidence of damage of tissue of lung. So lycopene from tomato nutrition is one of the good fruits for preventing lung cancer.

2. For eye vision improvement

Tomato is full of vitamin A which is the most important substance to make your retina damage free. This vitamin has an exciting function with eye that is it detects light and sends visual information to brain. It means that Vitamin A from tomato intake can be most important substance to memory function from visual information intake from the surroundings. Tomato also has lutein and zeaxanthin which protects eye related diseases. (Signs and Symptoms of Some of the Most Common Eye Diseases)

3. Effective for smoker’s health damage

Most of the smokers face different health related problem like aging and free radical. Tomato contains coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid these important components fight against carcinogens which is generated from smoking cigarette. So smokers may be happy to find out this information to keep well from the clutch of nicotine. (7 Natural Home Remedies To Help You Quit Smoking)

What Are The Health Benefits oF Tomatoes?

4. Hypertension prevention 

At present people have been facing common problem hypertension or another name is high blood pressure due to choice on high calories foods, sugar sweetened foods, high fat induced foods and many more which are the responsible for high blood pressure and this risk is increasing tremendously which also leads to early death from all age. It has potassium which is the most important substance for blood and it reduces stress in the blood vessel and arteries. For this blood is circulated easily and prevents the risk of heart. (7 Herbs That Are Used In The Management Of High Blood Pressure)

5. Digestion

The word digestion is associated with dietary fiber. Tomato is full of fiber and fiber is effective for digestive process. Sometimes, there may be constipation problem and the solution of constipation is dietary fiber. Even it removes different kind’s toxins from the body and keeps our health healthy. So Tomato nutrition is so helpful for digestion and removes toxins from the body.

6. Good for skin: 

Tomato is great source of one of the most important substance that is lycopene. This lycopene has varied role in human health especially for skin health. Lycopene reduces the activities of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are the reasons for cellular damage of skin and the most important component from lycopene retains moisture in the skin by preventing wrinkles to ensure youthful skin. So if you want to get a glowing skin and have an attractive look then you need to know this health benefit of tomatoes and eat on daily basis.

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7. Immunity Booster 

Tomatoes have some effective phenolic compounds which are required for human health for healthy living. Most often it can be seen that you are facing some health complications induced with virus and bacteria. Influenza or seasonal flu is one of the common diseases for those have feeble immunity. So this phenolic compound is so effective for boosting immunity and ensures healthy life because it protects the activities of bacteria and virus. So every day intake of tomatoes can be your partner of healthy life.

ALSO READ: Effects Of Food On Your Immune System

8. Weight management 

Many chronic diseases are the reasons of early obesity. From adolescent to aged, most of them suffer this problem around the world. Even millions of people die each year for this only problem like obesity as it causes many more health complications. Different studies have found that Intake of tomatoes can be effective solution for reducing obesity it controls the weight of the body, muscle mass and fat mass. The most important Health benefits of tomatoes may be to make you slim and easy. (How To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks)

At last it may be said that nature’s most important and precious gift is tomatoes. From the inception of the civilization, people have depended on different foods to meet up hunger as well as to use different foods to cure different disease. Even, modern science has also recommended taking fruits and vegetables as much as possible to ensure better living. Fruits and vegetables are the great sources of different vitamins and antioxidants which boost immunity and protect different kind’s disease. So health benefits of tomatoes can never be ignored and you try to eat this fruit daily.

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