Home Remedy For Treatment Of Ringworm: How To Treat Ringworm Naturally

Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis) is a fungal infection of the scalp and hair shafts.

The medical terms for ringworm are tinea or dermatophytosis. It also has other names depending on where it is on your body. For example, ringworm on the feet is called athlete's foot and ringworm in the groin is called jock itch. (Some Health Benefits Of Rice Water)

ringworm home remedies

Both people and animals can get ringworm. The fungus spreads through skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or animal. It can also spread from objects and soil to people. There are a few signs to watch out for that may indicate a ringworm infection on your body such as:

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  • A scaly, itchy, ring-shaped patch on your body
  • The ring may have red bumps inside of it
  • It may also have overlapping rings or multiple raised rings that expand outwards
Additionally, there are both external and internal factors that could increase your risk of getting ringworm. These include:
  • Living in a warm area
  • Participating in contact sports
  • Wearing tight clothes frequently
  • A weak or compromised immune system
  • Close contact with someone who has ringworm

Home Remedy For Treatment Of Ringworm

Here is how to treat ringworms naturally:


Garlic (Health Benefits of Garlic: 5 Powerful Reasons To Start Eating Garlic)
Oil Vinegar or Neem Oil (Strange Effects Of Apple Cider Vinegar On Health)


Grind the garlic well and mix 10mls of apple cider vinegar a spoon of the other ingredients.

Apply on the affected area 3 times per day it will disappear.

NOTE: It is used for both scalp and skin  
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  • Unknown
    Unknown November 8, 2021 at 1:31 PM

    Thank you so much Doctor can these ingredients be stored after preparation? And for how long?

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