What Should be the Sleeping Position During Pregnancy?

Your sleeping position is very important and more important when you are pregnant. Follow the tips below for the best sleeping position when you take seed.

What Should be the Sleeping Position During Pregnancy

The Best Sleeping Position During Pregnancy

Do you know that the best sleeping position when pregnant is sleep on your side?

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This will increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby. While lying on the back cuts off blood supply by compressing the inferior vena cava vein which may lead to fainting or dizzy spells and disturbs your system causing pain.

the best sleeping position


Healthy Tips For Pregnant Woman

You should put a pillow in between your thighs to align your hips with your back.

You need to avoid drinking water 1 hour before sleeping

ALSO: 11 Things You Didn’t Know About Twin Pregnancies

You should put on clothes that are loose while sleeping

You should forget worries to get good sleep, put off your phones, put off or dim your room light.

You should eat small, mild meals to prevent fullness and the pain of reflux.

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You should avoid caffeine to prevent you from waking up to pee.

Say No to back and stomach sleeping position.

Perfect position to sleep in pregnancy is left side position.

Prop or support yourself with pregnancy pillows or soft pillows.

Follow the above tips during pregnancy for safe delivery.

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  • Unknown
    Unknown July 14, 2021 at 8:29 PM

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    • DR. APPIAH
      DR. APPIAH July 14, 2021 at 8:55 PM

      It's always a great pleasure serving you🙏

  • Unknown
    Unknown July 15, 2021 at 6:07 PM

    Greatly appreciate your work

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