If You Are Diabetic Patient, You Should Definitely Avoid These 20 Foods

Diabetic food should be well controlled if you really want to balance your blood sugar, if you have diabetes the secret in your diet lies in keeping you out of high sugar foods, however, there are certain drinks and foods that seem healthy but they are the opposite. Here we will specify the 20 foods of which you must stay away in the end.

Worst Foods For Diabetics

20 Worst Foods For Diabetics

1. Dry fruits

fiber and nutrients make some fruits dry and look like the healthiest option but you should consider it twice before consuming it if you suffer from diabetes 2, since the nuts have dehydration, which means that the sugars concentrate more. Substitute with strawberries or grapefruit.

2. White rice, bread, and flour

Low-quality carbohydrates such as rice and those made with white flour, such as bread and pasta; act in the same way as sugar, that is, they will interfere with glucose levels in your body just like sugar, it is preferable that you change them for whole grains like oats, barley and brown rice.

3. Full-fat dairy: 

Full-fat dairy contains more fat, increases bad cholesterol ( LDL ), the risk of heart disease and insulin resistance, so if you’re diabetic say goodbye to dairy products like creams, fat yogurt, ice cream and cream cheese.

4. Meat:

fatty meats should be avoided at all costs for the same reason as dairy products since they are high in saturated fats that increase cholesterol and generate inflammation throughout the body at the same time that diabetics increase them. The risk of heart disease. Avoid meat in short.

5. Breakfast cakes:

all baked goods such as cakes, muffins, donuts, cinnamon rolls contain high amounts of sodium and trans fats, if you want to consume them, try to find the healthiest options, those without fat and without sugar. Without a doubt, the best option is to make them at home.

READ ALSO: Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed Naturally?

6. Fried foods:

this kind of food is not good for those who suffer from diabetes 2, because they are soaked with large amounts of oil and in various cases are covered with flour to be breaded, which has more calories, you must be very careful with these foods.

7. Alcohol:

alcohol interferes with blood sugar levels and if you have diabetes, you should consult before taking it with your doctor.

8. Fruit juice:

the juices are full of fiber and healthy carbohydrates since fruits are always the best option when treating diabetics, however, when it comes to fruit juices you should be alert because even more nutritious than soda, the juices contain concentrated sugar that causes your sugar levels to increase.

9. Sugary foods:

As explained above, they contain high amounts of sugar classified as low in carbohydrate quality, with low nutritional value that generates high blood sugar jumps.

10. Cereals:

it is usually one of the easiest and fastest options when breakfast is concerned but most cereals contain a lot of sugar.

11. Energy bars:

they are not so bad but for diabetics yes, they should be more careful about what they choose to eat, both carbohydrates and sugars are two main sources of energy for the body as long as you choose those that contain minimum.

12. Bananas and melons:

some fruits are more sugary than others and are just the most sugary ones you should limit in order not to increase your sugar levels, bananas, melons, and peaches contain a lot of sugar.

13. Mixed coffees:

Mixed coffees are very popular but they have syrup, sugar and whipped creams that are heavy in sugar and fat, always choose coffee without sugar and with little milk to satiate your impulses of caffeine.

14. Processed meat:

Processed meats are full of sodium and high salt diets are associated with a doubled risk of heart attacks, strokes in diabetics.

15. Smoothies purchased:

They are marketed as the healthiest drinks on the market, however, they are far from being that way because they have a lot of sugar and are served in extra-large portions.

16. Chinese food:

it is high in calories, fat, sodium and carbohydrates, increases blood sugar levels, and keeps it high for a long time.

17. Flavored waters:

just like smoothies are sold as healthy but that’s not the case because containing flavor means more sugar than normal.

18. Frozen / commercial pizza:

they are preferred for speed and convenience, especially in America but they are not convenient for health, they are high in calories and they add to your diet large portions of fat.

19. Nachos:

preferred by many people without being aware of the high-calorie content they have, a regular order of classic chili nachos contributes 830 calories, 59 grams of fat and 39 of carbohydrates, so they are far from healthy for the diabetics.

20. Hamburger restaurants:

they are certainly tempting and delicious but they are loaded with saturated fats, responsible for raising cholesterol, it is far from being suitable as food for diabetics.

We wanted to dedicate a space to diabetic food because we know how difficult it is for them to have and live a normal life but once you learn to know and control everything you can and cannot do, administering your blood sugar will be a matter to eat and listen to your body well.

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