5 Easy Natural Treatments For Common Headaches

5 Easy Natural Treatments For Common Headaches

Specific medical therapy is utilized to treat the underlying cause of headaches. Muscle relaxants, anti-depressants, neuroleptic medications, and narcotic analgesics are examples of common pharmaceutical categories. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen, aspirin, Naprosyn, or acetaminophen are the most widely used over-the-counter therapies.

What is the main cause of a headache?

Headache pain results from signals interacting among your brain, blood vessels, and surrounding nerves. During a headache, multiple mechanisms activate specific nerves that affect muscles and blood vessels. These nerves send pain signals to your brain, causing a headache. (i)

5 Easy Natural Treatments For Common Headaches

Common headache is so prevalent that most sufferers automatically reach for medication without considering alternative treatment options. Here are 5 natural remedies for a common headache. ( 5 Signs That Show You Are Drinking Little Water)

1) Lukewarm water with lemon

This is a great drink for detoxifying your body and it’s recommended to be taken daily, in the morning, but you can also take it when you have a headache.

2) Ginger tea

Ginger stimulates circulation and has strong anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, ginger has a beneficial effect as an analgesic and thus reduces headaches. (How To make Ginger Tea)

3) Almond milk

Almonds contain magnesium and other minerals that can alleviate headaches and migraines, as well as salicin, which converts to salicylic acid – the main and active ingredient in aspirin.

4) Herbal Teas

Teas made with any combination of chamomile, lemon grass, passion flower, lavender, and/or skullcap exert a calming effect, they are effective in reducing headaches. Also, peppermint tea works too, relaxes the muscles and nerves and it can also help with your headache.

More herbal remedies you can try:

Ginkgo – Ginkgo can relieve headache pain by dilating blood vessels in the head.

Feverfew – Feverfew contains substances that inhibit the release of mood hormones in the brain. Use fresh feverfew for best results.

Bay–Bay leaf oil is useful in massaging the temples so as to relieve migraines and headaches.

5) Tomato juice

Tomatoes contain natural sugar and high levels of vitamins and minerals that can alleviate a headache, especially one caused by a hangover. Throw in a few hot spices and you’ll get a tasty beverage for headaches.

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