11 Home Treatments for Oily Skin and Acne on the Nose and Face

Are you bothered by your greasy skin? Therefore, the greatest advice I can provide you at this moment is to treat your skin problems with some natural home remedies for oily skin. It would be counterproductive to try and dry out oily skin, especially since the stripped-down cell structure effectively traps the oil and results in outbreaks.

Additionally, because makeup quickly mixes with sebum and produces an incorrect consistency, people with oily skin find it difficult to apply makeup that is appropriate for their skin type. Without requiring you to utilize any pricey cosmetics, those natural techniques will assist in reducing the symptoms. If you're serious about looking good, take great care of your oily skin.

What is Oily Skin?

As you know, people need a particular amount of natural oil to maintain their complexion moisturized and supple. And your skin type will be decided by how much oil your skin on the face tends to release based on this. The skin type is sorted as a combination, dry, and oily.

Oily skin is an acne-prone complexion with more open pores, and you can quickly recognize it as it’s covered with a shiny layer, acne, and blackheads.

Typically, the oil on our face serves as a shield to protect the skin from environmental impacts and signs of aging[1]. However, when the production of oil become excess, it can easily lead to acne and other skin problem.

When not treating it right, those pores are likely to turn clogged and more massive while other skin cells get stored. Along with this, you will have pimples, blackheads, and different kinds of acne that are so common with this skin. 25 out of the easiest, but most effective home remedies for oily skin can enable you to learn how to stop oily skin naturally and effortlessly.

Light and flawless skin is an obsession among not only women but also men as one of the human basic needs is charming and attractive to the opposite sex. For those whose skin is oily, the attractiveness is far from easy. There are a lot of people who are ready to spend a considerable amount of money, time, and effort on different products that help them stop oily skin. However, few of them work.

What causes Oily Skin?

Before getting to know the best home remedies for oily skin to use, let’s find out what causes it! A variety of factors should get listed as the causes of oily skin, but it gets widely accepted that genetics has the most important influence. Also, the external environment also plays a vital role in the excessive production of skin oil. Your daily lifestyle should be responsible as well. Here are some causes:

  • Genetics
  • Over-cleansing
  • Medication
  • Environment
  • Hormonal changes
  • Cosmetics
  • Poor diet

What are the risk factors of oily skin?

  • Obesity
  • Stress
  • Biotin deficiency

Most common symptoms of oily skin

After knowing these signs that your skin at this time would tell you that it’s oily, you can think of choosing the appropriate home remedies for oily skin. And those symptoms are listed as follows:

  • A greasy and shiny look
  • Large and noticeable pores
  • Looks thick and rough on the surface of the skin
  • Persistent or occasional acne
  • Blackheads
  • Your bangs get oilier.

11 Home Remedies For Oily Skin and Pimples on Face and Nose

However, from now on, you no longer need to worry about suffering from oily skin. Learn some natural home remedies for oily skin and apply them effectively, quickly, and effortlessly.

Here are the top 11 most effective home remedies for oily skin which you can easily try at home in order to get rid of the oiliness as well as make your skin shine and bright.

1. Egg

This simple and inexpensive material helps a lot of people regain confidence in their skin. And better than this, egg whites are one of the best home remedies for oily skin thanks to their ability to shrink your pores and tighten your complexion.

Try an egg yolk. Use a cotton ball to put the egg yolk in the oily skin areas.

Leave it for 15 minutes then wash the skin with cool water.

2. Apple

Apple is effective not only treat oily skin but also helps you cure acne because it is rich in fiber and vitamin C. Read more: Home Remedies for Blackheads.

Apple - Home Remedies For Oily Skin


Mash an apple and mix half of it with oatmeal.

Add beaten egg white and a spoonful of lemon juice.

Apply the mixture to your face.

Wait for 15 minutes and wash with cool water.

3. Blotting Papers

Blotting paper is designed to absorb an excessive amount of oil in the face, so using it regularly helps your skin clean and bright. It’s why they’re considered one of the best home remedies for oily skin you can use to maintain your healthy skin. Besides, these papers are quite affordable to buy and pretty refreshing to use. They can absorb any impurity without causing your skin to feel dry.

However, rubbing blotting paper on your face should be avoided, otherwise, it would hurt your skin. Gently press blotting papers to your face and keep it for 20 seconds before moving to another spot.

4. Cucumbers

Along with apples, cucumbers are one of the cheapest but best home remedies for oily skin, so use it to deal with excess oil on the face. Cucumbers have particular properties that make them stand out among other fruits. Specifically, it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Slice a cucumber into small pieces

Put them directly on your skin

Keep it overnight and wash your skin with warm water in the next morning.

You can repeat this every day to achieve the best results.

5. Salt

Why shall we bring salt to the list of the best home remedies for oily skin this time? That’s because salt owns its fantastic pore tightening and unclogging features. It can help balance out the oil production, offers your skin enough minerals as well as wash it carefully.

Thanks to salt’s properties, you will soon banish the excess oil on your face. All you need to do is:

  • Fill an empty bottle with tepid water.
  • Add a spoonful of salt into the bottle and shake it well. Make sure that salt is all dissolved.
  • Spray the salty water on your skin gently.
  • Use tissues to clean your skin.
  • Remember to repeat this regularly during the week to get the best results.

6. Tomato

Tomato juice is a favorite drink for many people. Moreover, it has other benefits that people who are looking for a natural home remedy for oily skin should be fully aware of. (BENEFITS OF TOMATO ON SKIN)

To be more specific, the tomato is able to slow down the aging process, rejuvenate the skin, and also make the facial skin dry and clean. Just follow these steps bellows to see the significant changes:

  • Choose a fresh and clean tomato.
  • Use a blender to make tomato juice.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply the tomato juice to your skin.
  • Leave it dried.
  • Rinse the skin with water.

7. Green Tea

If you think green tea leaves are only for making a drink, think about it again. Moreover, it is a cure for oily skin, which has been tested by many people worldwide. It naturally becomes one of the most effective home remedies for oily skin thanks to its astringent taste that arrives from the tannins it has. And these compounds will shrink the pores and reduce the sebum release.

  • Crush green tea leaves after cleaning them with water.
  • Heat them up with water and drain off the water.
  • Pour water in and heat again for 15 minutes then throw tea leaves away.
  • Gently rub your face with the liquid
  • Leave your skin dry naturally.
  • In addition to helping your skin become dry, this method also makes your skin lighter in the long term.

8. Banana

There are thousands of reasons to eat bananas more regularly than you do. Thanks to its moisturizing properties, people use the banana to slow down the process of aging and look younger. Besides, another important benefit of them is to reduce the amount of skin oil.

  • Crush a banana.
  • Add 2 spoons of milk cream, 1 spoon of honey, oat flour, and water.
  • Apply this mixture to your skin.
  • Wait for 30 minutes
  • Wash it off with warm water.

9. Cold Water

The easiest way to limit the amount of oil on the face is cold water because it is known to maintain the best condition of the skin. Therefore, it is suitable to be used before you participate in a party or an appointment.

Keep a bottle of water inside the refrigerator in advance. Spray cold water into your face at least 3-4 times daily. Your skin will stop producing oil immediately.

10. Honey

Honey has been considered an effective medical cure out of other home remedies for oily skin and many health problems. Besides, it also has many advantages in improving the quality of the skin. The most interesting part is that honey can be combined with a variety of ingredients to create effective cures for oily skin.

  • First, you can use honey with egg and lemon juice.
  • Take only egg white and mix it with a spoon of honey and lemon juice.
  • Apply this mixture to your face.

  • Leave it for 20-30 minutes.

  • Use cold water to wash your face.

  • You should apply this 2-3 times a week.

The second method is to use honey with strawberries.

  • Crush strawberries and mix them with honey and a spoonful of flour.
  • Apply this mixture to the skin.
  • Relax for 20-30 minutes.
  • Wash the face with warm water and use soft towels to dry the skin.

11. Change Towels

As a matter of fact, a towel is a thing that touches your skin most regularly. Therefore, you will have to make sure it’s clean enough. In case your skin is not comfortable with the current towel, change your face towel. The oil, bacteria, and dirt will be easily trapped on the towels. Utilize a tinier-sized hand towel or a cloth for greater convenience.


You’ll be surprised to know that you’ve already got many acne treatments right in the house. These natural home remedies for oily skin can be used anytime to help you prevent a shiny look, clear out pimples, and leave your skin supple, moisturized, and healthy.

However, if you have severe symptoms of oily skin, consult your dermatologist for protecting the skin from worse complications.

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