Health Problems Related To What People Eat - Dr Appiah

Health Problems Related To What People Eat


Special diets are the best prevention and Treatment for certain diseases. There are foods that are beneficial for the prevention and Treatment of certain disease conditions. Below are health conditions and what foods to eat or avoid:

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A person with anemia has thin blood. This happens when blood is lost or destroyed faster than the body can replace it. Blood loss from large wounds, bleeding ulcers or dysentery can cause anemia. So can the monthly bleeding (menstrual period) of women, if they do not eat foods their body needs.

A diet lacking fruits, dark green vegetables, and other foods rich in iron can cause anemia or make it worse.

In children, anemia can come from not eating foods rich in iron. It can also come from breast feeding or bottle feeding after 6 months without giving other foods too. Other Common causes of anemia include malaria, hookworm, chronic infections such as diarrhea and sickle cell disease. (Read more: Getting Enough Iron on a Plant-Based Diet)

The signs of anemia are:

Pale insides of eyelids

Pale gum

White fingernails

Weakness and fatigue

If the anemia is very severe, face and feet's may be swollen, the heartbeat rapid and the person may have shortness of breath.

Children and women who like to eat dirt are usually anemic.

Treatment and Prevention Of Anemia

Eat foods rich in iron- fish, dark green vegetables, beans, peas and lentils are rich in iron. To help the body absorb more iron, eat raw vegetables and fruits with meals and avoid drinking coffee with food.



Children whose skin is almost never exposed to the sunlight may become bow-legged and develop other bone deformities (rickets). This problem can be combated by giving the child fortified milk and vitamin D. However, the easiest and cheapest form of prevention is to be sure the direct sun reaches the child skin for at least 10mins a day or for longer periods more often (Be careful not to let his skin burn). Never give large doses of vitamin D over long periods, as it can poison the child.


High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can cause many problems, such as heart diseases, kidney diseases and stroke. Fat people are especially more likely to develop high blood pressure.

Signs of high blood pressure:

Frequent headaches

Pounding of the heart

Shortness of breath with mild exercise

Occasional pain in the left shoulder and chest.

All these problems may also be caused by other diseases. Therefore, if a person suspects he has high blood pressure, he should see a health worker and have his blood pressure measured.

WARNING: High blood pressure at first causes no signs, and it should be lowered before danger signs develop. People who are overweight or suspect they might have high blood pressure should have their blood pressure checked regularly.

What to do to prevent or care for high blood pressure

Overweight people should lose weight

Fatty foods, especially pig fats and foods with a lot of sugar or starch should be avoided. Always use vegetable oil instead of pig fat.

Do not smoke

Do not drink alcohol

When blood pressure is very high, get medical advice. The medicines to control blood pressure should be taken regularly. Many people  an lower their blood pressure by losing weight if they are fat and by learning to relax.

READ ALSO: What Is The Right Nutrition For Your Body?


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