10 Best Detox Drinks for Weight Loss - Dr Appiah

Even if you’re new to the detoxifying process, a healthy lifestyle can be achieved through a balanced diet, required supplements, and herbs. There are many detoxifying drinks which provide additional nutrients to the body and helps in the release of the toxins. These detoxify drinks flush many toxic substances from our body. Mostly these toxic substances are present in our colon for many years. Everyone desired to live healthy, for this purpose you need to eliminate all the toxins from the body on a daily basis.


Best Detox Drinks for Weight Loss

As I mentioned above, detoxifying drinks has so many benefits like they nourish our body and also remove bloating and water retention. Weight gain is one of the biggest depressions these days. We do crash dieting and workouts to maintain ourselves. But we do not focus on the toxin level in our body. The reason for weight gain is not to remove toxins from our colon which also contributes to the skin issues. Our generation is in the hustle, we have no time for ourselves. But one who knows the importance of detoxifying process and its benefits, make time for their selves.

 Best Detox Drinks for Weight Loss

Following detoxifying drinks help you to remove toxins from your body. These simple and easy to make drinks will help you to lose weight and get glowing skin.

 RELATED: How To Lose Weight Naturally With This

1. Lemonade

We all know the benefits of lemon. It helps to lose weight and get glowing skin. In this summer a combination of lemon with mint not only detoxify your body but also refresh your mind and soul.

Lemonade Detox Drink for Weight Loss



2. Fruit-infused Tea

A tasty tea with infused fruits like berries, ginger and mint leaves helps to detoxify the body. This drink naturally makes you glowing and helps to lose weight.



3. Detox Turmeric Tea

This tea is a perfect combination of ingredients consisting of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric cleanses the liver and improves the immune system.

Turmeric has so many benefits. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties as well. Asian people use turmeric in their daily routine.




4. Pineapple Lemonade

Pineapple and lemon both help in digestion and also improve the immune system. Pineapple also contains anti-oxidant properties and cleanses the colon.

This drink is also infused with the benefits of carrot, apple, beetroot and radish.


5. Chia Seeds and Apple Smoothie

Chia Seeds and Apple Smoothie

Chia seeds are rich in proteins. Chia seeds contain all the essential minerals which are required by the body. It’s nutritional value is very high. This drink also helps in weight loss.

Apple juice helps to reduce cardiovascular diseases. This drink has anti-cancer and anti-oxidant properties. (Read more: Top Health Benefits of Chia Seeds)


6. Watermelon Detox

Watermelon juice for weight loss
Credit: Shutterstock / Hannamariah

Watermelon drink has many benefits. It helps you to lose weight and get a slim waist by mobilizing fats. It also reduces gut-related problems. Watermelon has anti-cancer properties and reduces heart problems. It also controls diabetes and cholesterol level.

Watermelon seeds are rich in dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins that promote weight loss and also boost digestion. This drink also prevents neurological problems.

 Read more: Health Benefits Of Watermelon

7. Coconut Lemonade

Coconut water is a natural electrolyte and acts as a weight loss agent. This tasty drink helps to remove the toxins from your liver, intestine, and colon.

Coconut Water for Weight Loss


A combination of lemon with coconut water, not only detoxify your body but also refresh your mind and soul and helps you to get a natural glow on your skin.

 READ MORE: 6 Health Benefits of coconut Water: Uses of Coconut Water

8. Honey Lemon Ginger Tea

Ginger is an old home remedy, used for digestion and stomach cramping’s. It contains anti-inflammatory properties which are best for the bloated body.

Adding lemon and honey to this ginger tea speed up the metabolism and also makes you feel light.


Honey Lemon Ginger Tea

9. Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate along with beetroot and aloe Vera gel works wonders for the strong immune system. This drink has immense value in Ayurveda because of its detoxifying properties.

It prevents breast cancer and heart-related problems. This drink also do wonders for those who have high blood pressure problems and skin diseases.

 This drink also improves blood circulation.


Pomegranate Juice for weight loss

10. Cucumber Mint Detox Drink

Another summer detoxifying drink is cucumber juice with an addition of mint and lemon.

Mint is used to cure stomach problems. Cucumber hydrates the cells and flushes out the toxins. This drink has a lipid-lowering property and helps to boost the digestion.

Cucumber for weight loss


Editor's Note: If you really want to lose some weight kindly follow any of the 10 best detox methods stated above. I wish you all the best. 


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    METHUSELAH James February 9, 2021 at 11:39 AM

    Good work 📓📓 keep it shining 🌈🌈💪

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