8 Foods That Are Natural Pain killers for Pain Relief - Dr Appiah
In Gods own wisdom, He provided us with countless foods, herbs and spices which pack up healing nutrients and powerful compounds that aid our body in improving its health and strength. When we fall sick, experience pain and muscle damage after an exhausting workout session, or feel the onset of an agonising cold, instead of taking those potentially harmful antibiotics and painkillers, we need to turn to the natural pain-killing properties of certain foods.
You see, dark leafy green veggies, crunchy nuts,
ripe fruits and whole grains that we add to our daily diet don’t just eliminate
our hunger and feed our appetite, but in fact, they provide our body a wide
host of essential nutrients that are required for regulating bodily processes
and monitoring our health.
We always find it easier to pick out pharmaceutical
medicines to relieve the pain, but the fact is that these painkillers and
antibiotics have certain damaging side-effects, while our food items help cure
our body without causing any harm whatsoever.
8 Foods That Are Natural Painkillers for Pain Relief
If you’re dealing with the symptoms of chronic pain,
medicines alone cannot help you eliminate these symptoms. You need to change
the pattern of your diet by adding a wide variety of pain-relieving foods to
your table. There are countless food items that relieve the symptoms of pain by
blocking off pain signals from the nervous system, fighting off inflammation,
strengthening muscles and joints and even curing the symptoms of underlying
ailments that might be causing the pain.
The best part is, unlike pharmaceutical medicines,
these food items don’t require you to pay hundreds of dollars. All you need is
a large grocery bag and a creative culinary mind. We’ve listed down 14
immensely beneficial superfoods that boost powerful painkilling properties to
help you relieve those awful aches at once.
Here are 8 Foods That Are Natural Painkillers for
Pain Relief:
1. Grapes
Research reveals that grapes contain a powerful
concentration of nutrients that boost potent pain-killing properties, which aid
in relieving the symptoms of back aches. The regular consumption of grapes aid
in enhancing the blood flow within the body, which aids in promoting greater healing
to eliminate damage suffered by the back tissues.
2. Cranberry Juice
Researchers highlight that instead of taking
immunity-reducing antibiotics, the consumption of cranberry juice is a more
effective natural remedy to prevent the formation of ulcers. You see, cranberry
juice packs up powerful anti-inflammatory properties that aid in treating
ulcers and soothing away the stomach lining. (Read more: How To Use Cranberry Juice for Edema or water retention)
3. Oranges
Research reveals that the regular consumption of
vitamin C aids in preventing the symptoms of several respiratory infections and
Oranges contain beta-cryptoxanthin, a potently
powerful antioxidant which has proven extremely effective at reducing the risk
factors that lead to the development of chronic anti-inflammatory disorders,
such as rheumatoid arthritis. (Read more: Does eating orange on an empty stomach has any effect? )
4. Cloves
Here’s a highly effective home remedy to treat your toothache without having to see the dentist: pick out some cloves and gently chew them, it will help reduce the gum inflammation and the accompanied tooth ache for the next two hours.
Cloves are one of the best natural medicines to
treat tooth-related ailments because of their powerful anaesthetic properties.
READ ALSO: Health Benefits of Cloves
5. Evening Primrose
Evening Primrose is a potently powerful plant that
has been used to treat several ailments, such as PMS symptoms, atopic
dermatitis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Moreover, evening primrose contains certain
anti-coagulant properties that allow it to aid in reducing the symptoms of
cardiovascular ailments.
6. Turmeric
This powerful Indian spice not only adds a delicious
aroma and flavourful taste to our curries, but also, for centuries, it has been
regarded as a potent herbal medicine to relieve the symptoms of indigestion and
Research reveals that turmeric is extremely rich in
curcumin, a naturally-occurring compound that shields the body against joint
inflammation and tissue damage.
READ ALSO: Health benefits of Turmeric
7. Cherries
These rip red delights are loaded with anthocyanins,
which are powerful antioxidant compounds that work to eliminate pain and
swelling. Basically, anthocyanins work by preventing inflammation and blocking
pain enzymes, much like the effects of the over-the-counter pain killer
aspirin. (Read more on why you should avoid cherries when breastfeeding)
8. Yoghurt
(Natural yoghurt)
Yoghurt is highly beneficial for eliminating the
premenstrual syndrome because of its potent natural pain-killing properties.
It is packed with calcium, an essential mineral that
is capable of naturally soothing the nervous system, which prevents the
emergence of painful symptoms, even when our hormones have gone haywire.
NOTE: Use any of the above remedies from the above for any type of pain.