4 Health Benefits of Sun Exposure

Sunlight is said to be very beneficial for for mankind. And all thanks to it ability to convert calciferol to an active form of vitamin D for the body to utilize it.

Lower blood pressure isn’t the only benefit of soaking up a few rays:

Health Benefits of Sun Exposure

Lower cancer risk: Research shows living in places with fewer daylight hours is linked to greater risk of certain types of cancer. They include prostate, ovarian, pancreatic, colon, and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This is likely because sunlight induces our skin to create vitamin D, which is known to have anti-cancer properties.
READ MORE: 15 Early Warning Signs That Cancer is Growing Inside Your Body: #3 Will Shock You

Stronger bones: The sun’s vitamin D-activating ability comes into play here, too. Adequate vitamin D is necessary for strong, healthy bones. Being deficient is linked to rickets in children and osteoporosis in older people. (6 Signs And Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency That You Didn't Know)

Healthier skin: Common skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne often respond well to light sun exposure.

Better mood:  Lower amounts of sun exposure are linked to a drop in serotonin. That’s the brain chemical that creates a sense of happiness and wellbeing. That’s why shorter winter days with less sun cause seasonal affective disorder.

The bottom line?
Make sure you get sunlight every day. Spending 15 minutes a day in direct sun with your arms and legs exposed will lower your blood pressure and improve your health in other important ways.
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