How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

What happens if you remove foods that raise your blood sugar from your diet? Is there anything good left to eat? We think so. In fact, we have a whole guide on the best foods to control diabetes.
But a picture is worth a thousand words. These are just a few of the delicious foods that don’t raise blood sugar:
Many people with type 2 diabetes are now choosing a diet based primarily on low-carbohydrate foods.

They often notice that, starting with the first meal, their blood sugar improves. The need for medications, especially insulin, is usually dramatically reduced. Substantial weight loss often follows. Finally, they usually feel better, have more energy and alertness, and may improve many health markers. 
Because of these benefits and others, many doctors are recommending diets low in carbohydrates for their patients with diabetes.

Choosing foods low in carbs is a safe and easy way to help you control your blood sugar. However, if you are taking medications for your diabetes, you must work with your healthcare provider to adjust your medications when you change your diet. Choosing a diet made up of food with fewer sugars and starches means that your blood sugar levels may improve quickly. The need for medications, especially insulin, may be greatly reduced.

If you are looking for a doctor who will work with you to control your diabetes with a change in diet, our map may help you find one.

The science of diabetes reversal
In 2019, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) stated that reducing carbohydrate intake was the most effective nutritional strategy for improving blood sugar control in those with diabetes.

Research shows that low-carb diets are a safe and effective option for treating and reversing type 2 diabetes. This body of evidence includes systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (the highest quality of evidence by our ratings.).
A meta-analysis from 2017 found that low-carb diets reduced the need for medication and also improved health markers in people with type 2 diabetes. These included reductions in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), triglycerides and blood pressure and increases in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, sometimes called the “good” cholesterol.

Last, in a non-randomized trial from Virta Health, 349 people with type 2 diabetes followed either a very-low-carb diet or a standard diet. After one year, 97% of those in the low-carb group had reduced or stopped their insulin use. Furthermore, 58% no longer had a diabetes diagnosis, meaning they had put their disease into remission. These results remained remarkable up to the two-year mark as well.
This evidence disproves the idea that type 2 diabetes is a progressive and irreversible disease. Instead, it clearly demonstrate that it is a treatable disease when an effective lifestyle intervention is used.

A message of hope
As recently as 50 years ago, type 2 diabetes was extremely rare. Now, around the world, the number of people with diabetes is increasing incredibly rapidly and is heading towards 500 million. This is a worldwide epidemic.
In the past, type 2 diabetes was thought to be a progressive disease with no hope for reversal or remission. People were — and sometimes still are — taught to “manage” type 2 diabetes, rather than to try to reverse their high blood sugars.
Unfortunately, “managing” type 2 diabetes may lead to an increase in medications and to serious complications: impaired vision, damaged kidneys, wounds that won’t heal, and decreased cognitive function. In many cases, these complications lead to blindness, kidney failure and dialysis, amputation, dementia, and death.

But now people with type 2 diabetes can hope to regain their health! Today we know that the hallmarks of type 2 diabetes — high blood sugar and high insulin — can often be reversed. People don’t just have to “manage” their diabetes as it progresses. Instead, they can often lower their blood sugar to normal levels with diet alone, and may be able to avoid or discontinue most medications.
Normal blood sugar levels and fewer or no medications likely means no progression of disease, and no progression of complications. People with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes may be able to live long, healthy lives, with toes, eyesight, and kidneys intact!

If you are not on any medications, you can start your journey back to health today. If you are on medications for diabetes or for other conditions, consult your doctor before beginning any lifestyle change, such as a low-carb diet, so your medications are adjusted safely as your blood sugars improve.
When you’re ready, here’s where to start: A low-carbohydrate diet for beginners. During your own journey, you might be inspired by some spectacular diabetes success stories.

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