6 Early Signs Of Liver Damage That You Shouldn't Ignore

Our body contains a self-detoxifying organ responsible for the effective removal of toxins from our system. We don’t need any external health promoting products for the body cleansing.


The liver is characterized to perform many essential functions which include blood filtration, hormone production and as an energy reservoir. It is also responsible to produce chemicals that facilitate digestion.


6 Early Signs Of Liver Damage

Your body is characterized to alarm you with all the health concerns. There are plenty of symptoms indicating the abnormal functioning of the liver.

RELATED:  Six (6) Common Lifestyles That Damage The Liver


Read on to know about the common signs of liver damage. You may experience:


1. Abdominal pain

If you experience any pain or swelling in the right quadrant of your belly, it might be due to liver failure. Since most of your abdominal cavity is occupied with the liver, therefore if there is any inflammation inside it, you will feel the abnormality.


Early Signs Of Liver Damage - Abdominal pains

2. Joint aches

Conditions like arthritis, fatigue is also one of the most common symptoms of liver failure. One might experience vomiting and nausea.

In addition to that, people also undergo the condition of autoimmune hepatitis, which includes the abnormal defense of the immune system towards liver tissues. 

The immune system starts invading the normal hepatic cells. Autoimmune hepatitis is most common in females rather than males.

6 Early Signs Of Liver Damage - Joint pains


3. Skin spotting

Early Signs Of Liver Damage - skin spotting

Since the liver is functionalized with the blood filtration. But if it goes wrong, blood starts clotting. This clotting ultimately appears as a skin spotting or rashes.

Skin problems include spider angiomas or blemishes. So, if you encounter any skin blemishes do visit your doctor.

RELATED:Hepatitis B: Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, Prevention, Complications, Lifestyle And Home Remedies

4. Confusion

An abnormal or diseased liver results in the accumulation of copper in your brain and blood.

An increased amount of copper results in promotion of confusion-based conditions.

It usually happens at the later stages of liver damage.

 ALSO: Liver Health: Naturally Taking Care Of Your Body 

5. Muscle swelling

A diseased liver results in fluid imbalances inside your body that might result in swollen ankles, abdomen, skinny arms and legs.

This condition is referred to as muscle wasting and it mostly appears above your cheeks or around your temples.

This symptom also appears at the later stages of liver damage.

 ALSO: The Natural Solution for Fatty Liver Disease

6. Pale eyes

During the breakdown of old worn out blood cells, bilirubin is produced inside your body as a byproduct. The liver is responsible for the effective removal of this yellowish compound. But when liver turns abnormal or diseased, it results in the accumulation bilirubin in your blood which ultimately turns your skin and eyes, yellow pale. It instigates the condition of jaundice.

Early Signs Of Liver Damage - Jaundice

 ALSO: How to clean your liver of toxins?

Kindly consult your doctor as soon as you notice any of the 6 signs of liver failure mentioned above for prompt examination.

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