Vitamin D: If You Take Vitamin D, You Need This, Too

Vitamin D is one of the important vitamin the body needs.

Making sure you have sufficient vitamin D is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health. 

Vitamin D Benefits

Studies show that vitamin D can boost immunity and may even help protect against coronavirus. And that’s just the beginning.

It has also been shown to prevent heart disease, depression, obesity, and osteoporosis.

READ ALSO: Sunlight Makes Coronavirus Tests Turn Negative

But a study found that to use vitamin D efficiently, you need one crucial mineral.

Vanderbilt University scientists noted that when some people take vitamin D supplements, their blood levels of the vitamin won’t rise, even if they take high doses.

They thought it might have something to do with magnesium. A previous study by the same researchers had found that people with low vitamin D levels also have low magnesium.

So the researchers put their theory to the test. They divided 250 subjects into two groups. One group took magnesium supplements. The other took a placebo.

 READ ALSO: 96% of People Who Died of Coronavirus In One Study Lacked This Vitamin

Dr. Qi Dai was the study’s lead author. He said the study found that magnesium “optimizes” vitamin D. In other words, the mineral increases vitamin D in people who don’t have enough. And it lowers vitamin D in people who have too much.

how much vitamin D is too much

Dr. Martha Shrubsole was a coauthor of the study. “A lot of people have received recommendations from their health care providers to take vitamin D,” Dr. Shrubsole said.

But she notes that up to 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. So even if they take large doses of vitamin D they won’t be able to raise their levels.

“Magnesium deficiency shuts down vitamin D synthesis,” Dr. Dai said.


Vitamin D Needs Magnesium

The next time you have a checkup, get your vitamin D level checked. It can be done with the same blood draw used for your other tests.


If your reading is less than 20 ng/mL, your levels are too low. Try to get 15 minutes of sun a day with your arms and legs exposed.

If you still test low, take a quality vitamin D3 supplement. We recommend 5,000 IUs a day.

And make sure you get enough magnesium. You need at least 320 mg a day. 


These foods are good sources:

Sources of vitamin D

Nuts and seeds. A quarter cup of pumpkin seeds has 317 mg of magnesium. Brazil nuts offer 133. Almonds have about 100 mg. (Benefits Of Tigger Nuts: Its A Superfood)

Fruits and vegetables. Almost all fruits and vegetables have significant amounts of magnesium. Half a cup of cooked spinach provides 83 mg. (Eating Fruits On Empty Stomach: Good or bad?)

Researchers say the magnesium content of plant foods has decreased in the past few decades. They blame industrialized agriculture, which has depleted the magnesium from the soil. That’s why the most reliable way to get the mineral may be through a supplement.


They are widely available at health food and drug stores, and online.


Take at least 350 mg a day.

Besides optimizing your vitamin D, magnesium helps you in other ways. It is linked to reduced stress, and lower risk of diabetes and cancer. 

Vitamin D and magnesium make a great team. You need them both on your side.

RELATED: 6 Signs And Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency That You Didn't Know

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