12 Health Benefits of Eating Lettuce

There are some benefits of eating lettuce before bed. This is why it will be good for people to switch their heavy dinner with some vegetables such as lettuce. It is belief that this vegetable will manage a better healthy blood circulation including body system.

lettuce health benefits

Lettuce is a common vegetable that is able to grow in many countries. It has a fresh green color. Therefore, if you want to consume this vegetable, it will be easy to find in the market. There are many kind of lettuce. The different is in its various kind of shape. But this difference is not too significant.

How to Consume Lettuce Before Bed

If want to consume lettuce before sleeping time, there are various way to do it. For those who really mean to do this habit, follow below some suggested ways:

Add the lettuce to a bowl of vegetables salad and add a little bit non fat dressings. You may add lemon or olive oil too.

Some people use this vegetable for detoxification by consuming it through making a glass of vegetables juice or smoothies. Therefore, lettuce can add into this mixture to bring benefit and a fresh taste.

Chinese people love to consume the lettuce in stir food. However, if choosing this way, make sure not to stir it too long.

Lettuce can also steam or boil and consuming together with other meal.

Another way is to consume lettuce on a sandwich.

What are the health benefits of lettuce?

Nutrient Content of Lettuce

Lettuce contains various nutrients, including vitamins and mineral. The highest content of these green vegetables is the fiber. Then followed by the vitamin C, vitamin E and folates, calcium, iron, or even magnesium. This is why lettuce can bring various benefits for the health. For more specific benefits of eating lettuce before bed, check on the lists below:

1. Improve Metabolic Rate

Lettuce also benefits to increase the metabolism system of the body. Therefore, it will manage to improve the metabolic rate and works to effectively switch the consumed food into needed energy.

2. Better Blood Circulation

Another health benefits of eating lettuce before bed is to help manage a better blood circulation system. Therefore, it will improve the blood flow during sleeping and avoid any possibility of experience blood clot.

3. Healthy Cardiovascular

A better blood circulation means can control the cholesterol level inside the blood. Therefore, it will manage a better and healthier cardiovascular system inside the blood while sleeping. This is a good way to avoid any cardiovascular diseases.

4. Weight Management

Consume lettuce also will help those that want to reduce their weight. An improvement in metabolic rate and digestive system will help to manage the weight including reducing it.
ALSO: 10 Best Detox Drinks for Weight Loss

5. Avoid Fat

The way lettuce help to reduce the weight including by optimize the nutrient absorption and avoid fat forming in the body. The same way as the health benefits of low fat chocolate milk that also good to avoid any fat contain in the body system.

6. Manage Blood Pressure

Consuming lettuce also will help to manage the blood pressure level. Therefore, it is good for those with hypertension symptoms to avoid increasing blood tension level.
READ MORE: Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

7. High Fiber

All vegetables including lettuce contain high number of fiber. Therefore, it is a good way to supply the needs of fiber to the body. The same way as the health benefits of barley and lentils that works to supply a lot of fiber for the body system too.

8. Better Digestive

The fiber content will help to improve the intestinal bowel movement. Therefore, it will lead to produce a better digestive system by increasing the digest rate. Furthermore, it can help to avoid further digestive problems such as having constipation.

9. Healthy Heart

This vegetable also good to manage a better and healthier heart vessel. Therefore, it can optimize the work of the heart and manage to avoid any possibility of experience sudden heart attack.

10. Healthy Skin

Lettuce also has its vitamin E content. Therefore, this will help to produce a smooth and silky skin. Furthermore, it will manage a healthier skin condition and avoid further possibility of skin inflammation.

how to eat lettuce

11. Avoid Diabetes

Lettuce also known can help to control the blood sugar level. Therefore, it is another good way to manage avoid the possibility of experience diabetes. (Also read about how to treat diabetes naturally)

12. Detoxification

Consuming lettuce juice also a good alternative to help with the body detoxification process. Therefore, it can help to flush out the entire dangerous toxin from the body. 

Recommendation of Eating Lettuce Before Bed

Even it is inform that the habit of consuming lettuce is good, still there are several cautions to attend. Therefore, before consuming lettuce at night, it is better to check on below recommendations:

Always make sure to cleanse the lettuce well. This is to avoid any possibility of bacteria and parasite that commonly lives inside raw vegetables and can cause diseases.

Too much lettuce might lead to diarrhea due to its high fiber content. Therefore, consume as necessary.

Consume lettuce followed with drinking a lot of water will be perfect for the digestive and manage your weight. Therefore, do not forget to drink a lot of water after consuming this vegetable.

Those all the benefits of eating lettuce before bed. This habit is a good habit that shall try for those who wish to get a better health and including reduce their weight. Therefore, make sure to include this vegetable as your daily menu. However, always make sure to cleanse it first to avoid further effects such as bacterial infection or diarrhea.

Thank you and have a wonderful day.


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