How to Boost Libido - Tiger nut, Dates and Coconut Drink Recipe

How to boost libido

Sometimes you find yourself lacking appetite for s*x with your spouse and this is normal but if this goes on for too long, it is very risky. In that case, all you need is a libido boost, tiger nut, date and coconut drink to the rescue!

Many have sworn by the efficacy of this drink in lighting up thinks in the bedroom and I’m not surprised; date treats s*xual disorders and is a natural aphrodisiac.




How to Boost Libido

Below are some natural ingredients to put you in the mood:



  • 4 cups of tiger nut
  • 10 dates (you can get tiger nut and dates from all those fruit sellers)
  • 1 coconut
  • 1 medium-sized ginger


Tiger nut, Dates and Coconut for libido

READ MORE: 6 Health Benefits of coconut Water: Uses of Coconut Water

How to prepare drink for libido

  • Soak the tiger nuts in water
  • Wash the tiger nut thoroughly and pour inside a clean bowl
  • Remove the seeds from the dates, wash and pour it inside the bowl
  • Cut the coconut flesh into small chunks and put it inside the bowl
  • Add the skinned ginger

 How to Boost Libido - coconut

Blend all the ingredients together (If you have a high-powered blender, use it, if not, take it to the local mills around your area ‘because the mixture has to be smoothly blended.)

 Sieve it

 You can refrigerate and serve it chilled.

 RELATED:5 Commonly Used Medications That Could Be Killing Your S*x Drive

If your partner’s libido is already higher than your own, don’t share this drink with him (it works more for men than women) so you don’t run out of the bedroom in the middle of the night. I must add that besides boosting libido, drinking the tiger nut, date and coconut drink has other health benefits.


Dates help prevent; abdominal cancer, treat diarrhea, prevent night blindness, promote heart health, treat anaemia, strengthen bones, relieve constipation, improve bone health, improve skin health and prevent hair loss.

Tiger nut on the other hand helps; control diabetes, cure erectile dysfunction in men, can help prevent cancer and heart disease, help control blood pressure and is a good source of potassium, non-animal protein, magnesium and vitamin E and C.


I think I’ve given you enough reasons to make this drink come this weekend, even if your libido works just fine, you can’t ignore the other health benefits, right?

Did I tell you it’s very refreshing? Yeah, it is, just refrigerate and drink.


Do it and thank Dr Appiah later.

Please don’t keep this wonderful message to yourself, share with family and friends.

RELATED: How To Boost Libido Using Goron Tula: Health Benefits Of Goron Tula

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