12 Health Benefits of Lemon Basil - for Reproductive System

Some married couples go through a lot of stress in order to have kids. House would usually feel empty and boring without them. Moreover, it will feel incomplete for women or men to not be called mothers or fathers.

Sometimes even the condition of no kids could lead to conflicts and even separations. Therefore, a lot of ways can be taken to overcome this problem from consulting a doctor to herbal medications that are all aiming at one solid goal, to have kids.

benefits of lemon basil

There are a lot of food and drinks around us that is believed to be able to increase the fertility of both men and women, thus increasing the potential of pregnancy, such as:


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Besides the food mentioned above, there is one more food that is full of nutrition which is very good for fertility and the health of reproductive organs for both men and women, that is the lemon basil. This leaf that is usually consumed raw as a side dish turns out to contain some useful nutrition that can increase the fertility of both men and women.

 RELATED: Basil Leaves: How To Use Basil Leaves For Eye Health

The size of the leaves is small and the unique smell of it makes it easy to recognize among the other leaves.

Besides increasing fertility, lemon basil is also good for many other things because it is very rich in nutrition and other chemical compounds in it. Among its contents are protein, carbohydrate, niacin, thiamin, vitamins A, C, K, and E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, flavonoid, eugenol, 1-8 cineole, boron, arginine, anethole, stigmasterol, tannin, and zinc.


Lemon Basil to Increase Female Fertility


The fertility of women has an important role in determining pregnancy. Because the fertilizing process happens in the womb, thus the readiness and ripeness of the ovum are very important to make the fertilizing process happen. Therefore we hear a lot from women about counting their fertile periods, that is when the ovum is being released from the ovarium to the ovary.


lemon basil for fertility

In this period, the ovum is on the period of ready to be fertilized. Beside of that, the health of women reproduction organs is also very important for the pregnancy to happen. By consuming lemon basil, women will get lots of fertility benefits such as:


Keeping the Reproduction Organ Stays Healthy

To support pregnancy, the reproduction organs on women needs to be on healthy condition and avoided from diseases such as vaginal discharge. This is supported by a compound named eugenol inside lemon basil that functions as antibacterial, thus helping to prevent the vaginal discharge from happening.


ALSO: Natural Remedy For Sperm Leakage (EDA)

Fix Reproduction System

The anethole and boron compound in lemon basil is very good to stimulate estrogen hormone, thus making the women reproduction better.



Consuming lemon basil will help to detox the body and make the metabolism smoother. This will make your body, especially women, healthier, thus making the body ready for pregnancy.

 READ MORE: Simple Detoxification Method That Removes Toxins

Stimulate the Readiness of Ovum

Lemon basil also contain stigmasterol in it that is useful to stimulate the ovum and make sure it will be ready faster for ovulation and ready to be fertilize.


Lemon basil benefits

Increase Libido

Benefits of lemon basil for reproductive system, Lemon basil also function as natural aphrodisiac that can help to increase the libido on women. (READ MORE OB HOW TO BOOST YOUR LIBIDO

Lemon Basil to Increase Male Fertility

The fertility quality of men is as important to determine the pregnancy. Mostly about the sperm quality that will fertilize the ovum. Consuming lemon basil will gain men many benefits regarding fertility, such as:


Overcome Premature Ejaculation

The content of 1-8 cineol in lemon basil is useful to overcome sexual problems on men such as premature ejaculation. Besides that, this compound is also very good to increase the sperm quality, making it able to fertilize the ovum well.


Prevent and Overcome Infertility

Infertility is one of the things that are very unwanted by both men and women. Thus consuming the lemon basil that contains arginine in it can help to prevent and overcome infertility.


Increase Sperm Quality

A good sperm quality also determines the fertilizing process. By consuming lemon basil leaves, it can increase the immune system of the sperm, making it able to reach the ovum and fertilize it.


Increase Vitality

The content of arginine and 1-8 cineole is a good combination in lemon basil that can increase male vitality which is also one of the determining factors of fertilizing process. 


Benefits of Lemon Basil

Here are more benefits of lemon basil for reproductive system:


Overcome Headache

Headache is one of the common symptoms that can happen on anyone. The cause can be varied from migraine, coughs, sine, hypertension, flu, etc. By consuming lemon basil, it can help to overcome the headache that you’re experiencing.


Prevent Premature Aging

Lemon basil is high of antioxidant contents in it such as vitamin C, vitamin A, essential oils, and phytonutrients that are good to fight the free radicals. Like we would have known, free radicals inside the body can cause premature aging such as wrinkles on the face.


Increase Immune System

Immune system is very needed to protect our body from any kind of infection, virus, and bacteria around us that can cause diseases. One of the ways to increase the immune system is through consuming the lemon basil. Moreover, from a recent research is founded that lemon basil turns out to be very useful to prevent the growing of cancer cells and HIV virus that can cause aids.


How to Use Lemon Basil?

To get the benefits from lemon basil that can increase both men and women’s fertility, you can get it by consuming it raw as a side dish and consume it routinely. Other than that, you can also brew it in hot water just like you’re making tea. You can also try to boil it. 15 grams of fresh lemon basil boiled in 2 glasses of water until it boils. Drink it after the water warmth down, each have one glass for the married couple.

Nature always has a solution for everything so do not just read and leave it, put them into action and see the results.

 READ MORE: 5 Commonly Used Medications That Could Be Killing Your S*x Drive



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