What Pressure Point Makes You Fall Asleep Instantly: Press These Pressure Points on Your Wrist To Fall Asleep Faster And Make Anxiety Go Away

Acupuncture is a powerful way to treat insomnia, and it comes without any side effects. Insomnia can be caused by various reasons. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) every person has their own pattern that described how and when the body is out of balance. Therefore, we can treat imbalances with the help of hair-like needles. These needles are put at specific points alongside the meridians that run the human body. (15 Impressive Benefits of Sleeping 8 Hours a Night)

What Pressure Point Makes You Fall Asleep Instantly

Heart 7 and Pericardium 6 are very powerful acupuncture points for treating insomnia. These points are related in a number of ways. From the Qi sensation a person feels when they need to close the relationship between its calming effect and the “Shen” aka spirit and their anatomical location, these two points are an excellent duo for stimulating sleep.

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What Pressure Point Makes You Fall Asleep Instantly

Heart 7

Shenmen, which means Spirit Gate, is the name this point has in TCM. Moreover, Neiguan, which means Inner Gate, is the name for pericardium 6. On certain occasions, both of these gates need to open in order to eliminate the bad from the inside, but also to receive positive from the outside.

What Pressure Point Makes You Fall Asleep Instantly: Press These Pressure Points on Your Wrist To Fall Asleep Faster And Make Anxiety Go Away

Heart 7 is located on the outer side of the transverse crease of your writs. You can notice a slight depression on the ulnar tendon’s radical side. This is where the point is. Nevertheless, I sometimes prefer to put the needle from the ulnar side which is under the ulnar tendon. The results are the same, yet it can be more pleasant for the patient.

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Pericardium 6

This point is located on the inside of the writs, approximately 2 finger widths from the wrist’s transverse crease. This point is located in the middle of the two tendons (flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus) that go along your arm. When activated, it provides a powerful radiating sensation in the channels, just like Heart 7 does.

Obviously, there are more than two points that are used during acupuncture treatment. In order to heal the body, there must be a full mind-body-soul approach.

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