7 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Lump: Do You Have A Lump On Your Back, Neck Or Behind Your Ear?

Epidermoid cysts are a common occurrence for numerous people. Many people describe these cysts as sebaceous cysts, which is not true. Real sebaceous cysts originate from the sebaceous glands which lubricate skin and hair.

Epidermoid cysts are usually painless and don’t require treatment. Sometimes appearance or infection leads people to remove them. While there are medical facilities prepared to handle the removal, still many people reach for a natural approach to healing.

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7 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Lump

Below are some of them:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar contains acetic acid, which is a very beneficial agent in combatting cysts. It kills the infection and at the same time protects the skin from the bacteria.

Apply the ACV to the infected area and put a bandage on top. Repeat this process every day for a week. After a week there should be a hard layer of skin over the cyst. Remove the layer and the cyst will start to drain. But make sure to keep the area clean for one more week. (How to Make Natural Apple Cider Vinegar)

2. Dandelion

Mix 1 tablespoon of dandelion with viola and add it to the boiling water for about 45 minutes. Strain it and consume it 10 days for 4 times daily. Also, you can apply the solution directly to the cysts.

3. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt calms the infected skin. Soak in the bathtub with water and Epsom salt. The salt will relieve the swelling and the pain from the cyst.

4. Aloe Vera

Amazing Aloe Vera is a soothing agent for different skin conditions. Apply the sap from the aloe Vera directly to the cyst. Also, you can consume aloe Vera juice.

5. Milk

Milk is also a fantastic option for cyst removal. In the milk, soak a tea bag and place it directly on the cyst. Leave it overnight. Repeat this method and the cyst will diminish and also heal faster.

6. Honey

Make a paste from honey, banana, and wheatgrass. Put the mixture directly on the cyst and cover it with a cloth. Leave it overnight.

7. Castor Oil

Castor oil will help for an immediate reduction in size. Apply the oil to the cyst and cover it with a cloth or a hot bag of water. Overnight, the cyst will reduce in size.

Usually, epidermoid cysts shouldn’t be a cause for alarm. But, if the cyst is the source of pain, ruptures or becomes infected, then you should visit your doctor.

Source: www.homeremedyhacks.com

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