Mix Olive Oil With Lemon Juice And The Liver Is Like New: Lemon and Olive Oil for Fatty Liver

Mix Olive Oil With Lemon Juice And The Liver Is Like New: Lemon and Olive Oil for Fatty Liver

The liver is the organ that takes the brunt of everything bad that gets into our body!

But the liver practically does not hurt (only in the most neglected states), so we do not know when she needs help! And even if you do not abuse alcohol, do not smoke, it does not mean that it does not need cleansing!

Now I will tell you about the daily preventive cleansing of the liver. You will feel its effect gradually, for example, if you carry out this procedure for a month. Although a noticeable improvement in well-being can be felt after a week.

Mix Olive Oil With Lemon Juice For Liver Health

Mix Olive Oil With Lemon Juice For Liver Health

It's very simple: in the morning on an empty stomach, you take a bottle of vegetable oil and pour 1-2 tablespoons from there into a cup. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the same place. Then drink this mixture. That's all. Then do what you want: wash, have breakfast, get ready for work, etc.

An important tip for this cleaning is only "Extra Virgin" oil.

What effect does the mixture have?

It activates the release of bile, thereby causing stools, and stimulates bowel emptying. You can forget about constipation from now on.

Bile flushes all the ducts of the liver. This helps to remove harmful substances from the body. Bile breaks down fats, enhances intestinal peristalsis, pulls out the slags that have settled in the liver and gallbladder, and brings them out naturally.

Thus, every day there is an easy gentle cleansing of the liver.

What will you get as a result?

If you take this mixture every morning on an empty stomach, then your gastrointestinal tract will begin to work perfectly. The stool will be daily, and defecation is fast, and instantaneous. This means that you will feel a sense of lightness, your skin will become clean, your breath will be fresh, and you will have a good mood and a lot of energy.

Our liver is a blood factory. If it is clean, then the blood it produces will also be clean. The nutrition of cells, organs, and systems of the body will become complete, and they will work flawlessly. The flexibility of the joints will increase, the work of the heart will improve, and you will have more strength.

Cleansing the liver has another positive effect. Gradually, your addiction to flour, fatty, fried, multicomponent compound food will disappear. There will be craving for healthy food: fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc.

Everything is good in moderation!

You can take this mixture on an empty stomach all your life. But do not increase the dose! Do not be like a person who is overzealous and in this zeal "he will break his forehead".

This cleaning is intended for gradual gentle cleansing of the liver and further maintaining it in a healthy clean state.

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