Fastest Easy Natural Recipe to Treat Anemia

I know we have all heard about anemia before. Many people are anemic but unaware of it. Today, we are going to about the fastest way to treat anemia with a natural recipe. But before we delve into it let's learn something about anemia.

Fastest Easy Natural Recipe to Treat Anemia

What is anemia?

Anemia happens when you do not have enough red blood cells. The cells travel with iron and hemoglobin, which is a protein that helps carry oxygen through the bloodstream to your organs all through the body. When someone develops anemia, they are said to be "anemic." Being anemic might mean that you feel more tired or cold than you usually do, or if your skin seems too pale. This is due to your organs not receiving the oxygen they need to do their jobs. Some people find out they are low in iron when they go to donate blood.

Are there different kinds of anemia?

There are several different types of anemia, but each of them causes the number of red blood cells in circulation to drop. Red blood cell levels are low due to one of the following reasons:

  • Your body cannot make enough hemoglobin (low hemoglobin).
  • Your body makes hemoglobin, but the hemoglobin doesn't work correctly.
  • Your body does not make enough red blood cells.
  • Your body breaks down red blood cells too quickly.

Some types of anemia that you may have heard of include iron-deficiency anemia and sickle cell anemia.

How common is anemia?

Anemia affects more than two billion people globally, which is more than 30% of the total population. It is especially common in countries with few resources, but it also affects many people in the industrialized world. Within the U.S., anemia is the most common blood condition. An estimated three million Americans have the disorder.

Who is most likely to develop anemia?

Anyone can develop anemia, although the following groups have a higher risk:

  • Women: Blood loss during monthly periods and childbirth can lead to anemia. This is especially true if you have heavy periods or a condition like fibroids.
  • Children, ages 1 to 2: The body needs more iron during growth spurts.
  • Infants: Infants may get less iron when they are weaned from breast milk or formula to solid food. Iron from solid food is not as easily taken up by the body.
  • People over 65: People over 65 are more likely to have iron-poor diets and certain chronic diseases.
  • People on blood thinners: These medications include drugs include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix®), warfarin (Coumadin®), heparin products, apixaban (Eliquis®), betrixaban (BevyxXa®), dabigatran (Pradaxa®), edoxaban (Savaysa®) and rivaroxaban (Xarelto®).

What are the signs and symptoms of anemia?

Several signs and symptoms occur in all types of anemia, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, and feeling cold. Others include:
  • Dizziness or weakness.
  • Headache.
  • Sore tongue.
  • Pale skin, dry skin, or easily bruised skin.
  • Unintended movement in the lower leg (restless legs syndrome).
  • Fast heartbeat.

Fastest Easy Natural Recipe to Treat Anemia

Have you felt exhausted, or found it hard to concentrate on something that you do and you are even cold most of the time? All these are symptoms of anemia, a disease that occurs when body cells are not getting enough oxygen. The most common type of anemia is when the body has an iron deficiency. Iron is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, a substance that carries oxygen in the blood, and the lack of this mineral can affect your red blood cell count.

Blood Test

How to get normal values on your blood count and fight anemia?

In addition, we recommend a very simple recipe that can restore and improve your blood counts.


  • 1 kilo of carrots
  • 1 kilo of apples
  • 4 lemons
  • 250 grams of honey


– Grate all the ingredients.

– Squeeze out the lemon juice.

– In a larger bowl mix all the ingredients: beets, carrots, apples, and lemon juice.

– Allow the mixture to sit for 24 hours.

– Strain the mixture through sterile gauze.

– Add the 250 grams of honey and stir until you get an equal mixture.

– Place the mixture in a jar and store it in a refrigerator.


Consume a few teaspoons of this delicious and very healthy mixture, every morning on an empty stomach. You can expect the results at least a month after using it every day.

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