6 Effective Natural Anti Inflammatory Juices for Arthritis

There are different types of arthritis, but they can all cause pain. Some natural remedies may help you manage mild symptoms, particularly if you use them alongside other treatment options.

Certain herbs may have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis (OA).

6 Effective Natural Anti Inflammatory Juices for Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that causes chronic inflammation of joints. This is an autoimmune disease because the immune system turns against tissues and structures and attacks them. The search for the right medicine can last long. But, the good news is that you can prevent this kind of disease with a proper diet, natural herbs, or juices.

Still, there’s a lack of scientific evidence to support the use of many of these options, and some may have negative effects.

Before opting for “natural” remedies for arthritis, be sure to talk to a doctor first, as some options may interact with existing medications.

Effective Natural Anti Inflammatory Juices for Arthritis

Effective Natural Anti Inflammatory Juices for Arthritis

People who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, and similar problems know how to appreciate the moments of absence of pain. Fruits and vegetables that are effective are ginger, pineapple, papaya, blueberries, spinach, grapes, carrots, apples, celery, broccoli, pears, Curcuma, lettuce, and garlic. Some of the effective juices are:

1. Curcuma and ginger


-2 cups of water

-1/2 small spoon of ground ginger

-1/2 small spoon ground Curcuma

-honey as you like

2. Apple juice and honey

-One spoon of fresh apple juice;

-One spoon of honey;

-Put the apple juice and the honey in a cup of hot water. (Health Benefits Of Honey: Healing Properties of Honey)

6 Effective Natural Anti Inflammatory Juices for Arthritis

3. Pineapple, carrot, and celery juice


-5 Carrots;

-2 Celery;

-114 grams of pineapple (it can be sliced or pieces);

– one spoon of lemon juice

4. Broccoli-carrot juice


-1/2 Broccoli pieces;

-3 Carrots;

-1 Cored apple

-1/2 peeled lemon.

5. Black pineapple


-1 cup of blackberries;

-2 slices of pineapple;

-1/2 cup of blueberries;

-1/2 cup of raspberries;

-3 parsley twigs.

Black pineapple juice for arthritis

6. Potato juice

The potato contains minerals and potassium and organic salt that have anti-inflammatory features. You should cut one piece of potato (with peel) and put it in a glass of water. You should consume the juice in the morning before breakfast. (Health Benefits Of Potato Leaves You Never Knew)

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