Best Way to Detox Your Kidneys: Feeling Tired Lately? It Might Be Time For A Kidney Detox Juice

Best Way to Detox Your Kidneys

People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) often report feeling very tired. Your doctors may describe this symptom as fatigue.

The following information explains fatigue in kidney patients. If you have any further questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor or nurse.

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What is fatigue and why do I have it?

Everyone feels tired occasionally. Extreme, ongoing tiredness, together with a lack of energy, is often called fatigue. If your kidneys are not working well, toxins (waste products) build up in your blood and this can make you feel tired and weak. You may feel more tired as your CKD progresses. 

  • Kidney damage can also lead to a shortage of red blood cells, causing you to be anemic. If anemia is not treated, it can result in you feeling more tired than usual and lacking in energy.
  • If you are receiving haemodialysis you may find that you feel very tired after the treatment. People describe this as feeling ‘washed out’ or ‘drained’. This can last for a few hours after each session or much longer. This feeling may improve over time as your body gets used to the dialysis.
  • Poor sleep quality can also cause fatigue, particularly if you have problems falling or staying asleep or if you sleep during the day.
  • Itching is common in people with kidney disease and can also cause disturbed sleep.
  • A small number of people suffer from a condition called sleep apnoea when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep.
  • Some kidney patients complain of restless legs syndrome. This is a feeling that your legs need to keep moving. It often occurs when lying in bed at night and can prevent people from sleeping well.
  • Feeling depressed or anxious can also cause sleeplessness and fatigue. For example, you may be having so many anxious or worrying thoughts that they keep you awake at night so you are tired during the day.

What are the symptoms of fatigue?

Fatigue can affect people in different ways. Some of the common symptoms are: 

  • Feeling very tired most days
  • Feeling that you lack the energy to carry out daily tasks such as getting washed and dressed
  • Finding it hard to concentrate
  • Feeling anxious, sad, or low in mood
  • Losing interest in things you usually enjoy
  • Poor memory

ALSO SEE: Top 5 Signs of Kidney Cancer You Should Know

Best Way to Detox Your Kidneys

Best Way to Detox Your Kidneys

Kidneys’ work is constant, all day and all night without any stops. They have several essential functions in the body, so maintaining their healthy functioning should also be essential to you. They serve as a natural filter for blood, produce hormones, and have important functions in the urinary system.

If you haven’t paid any attention to your diet lately and you have been eating poorly which that resulted in losing weight you might want to help your kidneys out. Try the following detox juice that will boost your energy in no time.

Best Ingredients for kidney detox:

Yes, the preparation of this recipe is as easy as it looks. All you need to do is wash all of the ingredients with water and put them together in a blender and mix. The sooner you consume this beverage the more nutrients your organism will absorb.

Nutrients will be absorbed immediately after you drink this juice. Cheers!


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