Powerful Natural Remedies for Chronic Back Pain and Inflammation
Do you have chronic back pain? Do you have trouble straightening up? Do you take tablets that only relieve you for a few hours and the pain resumes right after? Back pain afflicts more than 65 million Americans every year and results in lost worker productivity and increased medical expenses.
ALSO READ: Nutritional Treatment For Back Pain
While some are supported by research and included in clinical practice guidelines, other natural remedies for back pain have more anecdotal than scientific evidence to back them.
If you're interested in using a natural remedy for back pain relief, you might consider one of the following popular options. Some of them may offer relief for mild to moderate discomfort, particularly when part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
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Natural Remedies for Chronic Back Pain and Inflammation
Do not suffer anymore with this homemade recipe
Specific herbs used to treat back and neck pain and related conditions include ginger and parsley.
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Take 50 g of ginger, wash and chop into very small pieces.
Take also 30 g parsley leaves, wash, and then cut into small leaves.
Put the mixture in a 1.5-liter bottle and fill with still water until filling the bottle
NB: Refrigerate. Or keep it in a cool place or put it in a bucket filled with water.
Drink all the contents in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening at bedtime and then do the same composition every night before sleeping to drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening. Do this for 10 days.