Use This Homemade Syrup to Boost Red Blood Cells and Blood Count

Do you feel weak or worn out? You can be going through anemic symptoms. Low red blood cell (RBC) counts are a sign of anemia. Your body has to work harder to distribute oxygen throughout your body if your RBC count is low.

Use This Homemade Syrup to Boost Red Blood Cells and Blood Count

The most prevalent blood cell in an individual is an RBC. Every day, the body generates millions. For 120 days, RBCs circulate throughout the body after being created in the bone marrow. They then travel to the liver, where they are digested and their biological components are recycled.

RELATED: Fastest Easy Natural Recipe to Treat Anemia

Your chance of developing a number of issues increases if you have anemia, so it's critical to restore your RBC levels as soon as you can.

The low blood count in the body might often cause symptoms like constant fatigue and a lack of energy. The consumption of this natural syrup will significantly help you improve it.

Keep reading to learn how natural drinks increase your RBCs at home.

Drinks that Give Blood

Drinks that Give Blood

Here is how to make it:

ALSO READ: Low Blood Pressure Treatment


1 kg (2.2 lb) beet

One cup of dried apricots

200 grams spinach

200 grams kale

2-3 oranges

½ kg (1.1 lb) cherries


You should chop the kale, spinach, dried apricots, and beets in small pieces, and then place them in a blender. Then, transfer the mixture in a bigger container. Squeeze the oranges and the lemon, and add their juice to the container as well. You can add 2 tablespoons of honey for taste and mix well.

You should pour the remedy into glass jars or bottles with a lid, and keep them in a dark, cool place. The prepared amount is about 6-8 cups of syrup, which is enough for a month.

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Take 3 tablespoons of the syrup every morning on an empty stomach, before your breakfast. This will significantly boost the red blood cells and improve the blood count.

Also don’t forget to include lentils, legumes, and beans in your daily diet.


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