Natural Antibiotic Destroys All Bladder and Kidney Infections After Few Treatments

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are highly prevalent, lead to considerable patient morbidity, incur large financial costs to healthcare systems, and are one of the most common reasons for antibiotic use worldwide. The growing problem of antimicrobial resistance means that the search for nonantibiotic alternatives for the treatment and prevention of UTIs is of critical importance. 

Natural Antibiotic Destroys All Bladder and Kidney Infections After Few Treatments

Potential nonantibiotic measures and treatments for UTIs include behavioral changes, dietary supplementation (such as Chinese herbal medicines and cranberry products), NSAIDs, probiotics, D-mannose, methenamine hippurate, estrogens, intravesical glycosaminoglycans, immunostimulants, vaccines and inoculation with less-pathogenic bacteria. Some of the results of trials of these approaches are promising; however, high-level evidence is required before firm recommendations for their use can be made. A combination of these agents might provide the optimal treatment to reduce recurrent UTIs, and trials in specific population groups are required.

Key points

  • Rising rates of antimicrobial resistance, fuelled by the overuse of antibiotics in humans, are a serious threat to global public health.
  • Alternatives to antibiotics for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) are attractive options to reduce the risks of antimicrobial resistance.
  • The most commonly studied nonantibiotic management options for recurrent UTIs include cranberries, probiotics, D-mannose, methenamine hippurate, estrogens, intravesical glycosaminoglycans, and immunostimulants.
  • Studies of novel vaccines targeting the adherence mechanisms of uropathogenic bacteria seem promising, but human trials are required to determine the efficacy of this approach.
  • Evidence for the nonantibiotic measures is hampered by considerable heterogeneity, and further placebo-controlled randomized trials of these agents are needed.

Natural Antibiotic Destroys All Bladder and Kidney Infections: Kidney Infection Treatment Without Antibiotics

Infections of the bladder or urinary tract can be extremely unpleasant, painful, and persistent. The two most common symptoms of these infections include frequent urge to urinate, as well as burning pain while urinating.

They are most common in women and are caused by the Escherichia Coli bacteria.

In some cases, these infections cure by themselves, but if the symptoms are severe, you should visit the doctor since there are chances that you suffer from cystitis.

Natural Antibiotic Recipe Bladder and Kidney Infections

However, there is an option to treat these infections in a completely natural way:

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  • ½ pound (250 gr) root of well-washed parsley
  • ½ pound (250 gr) rind of homegrown, organic lemon
  • ½ pound (250 gr) organic honey
  • 1 cup (2 dl) olive oil


Chop the parsley, and add it into a blender, along with the olive oil and lemon peel. Blend the mixture well and store it in the fridge.


Take a tablespoon of the remedy every morning, and you can soon say goodbye to the infections!

Moreover, we reveal more beneficial tips for treating urinary tract and bladder infections:

  • Do not keep urine:  You should not retain the urine in the body, as you can thus support the growth of bacteria. Remember that the more often you urinate, the less number of bacteria in the bladder.
  • Lots of water: You should drink lots of water, as it can help you to eliminate the bacteria from the bladder. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Baking soda: Add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water, and drink the mixture on a daily basis. Yet, drink 2 glasses of water before it. This will fight the burning sensation while urinating.
  • Parsley tea: This tea will accelerate the healing process of the bladder infection, and it can also prevent it. Add 2 tablespoons of dry parsley to a cup (250 ml) of water, and leave the tea to cool.

  • Garlic tea: Garlic tea has potent anti-bacterial properties. You should peel a few garlic cloves and put them in a hot water. Wait for 5 minutes and then drink the tea.
  • Cucumbers: Cucumbers are successfully body cleansers, and they are high in water which will remove bacteria.
  • Cranberry juice or tea: Cranberry juice for kidney infection. This juice will quickly treat the infection, and you should drink 2 glasses on a daily basis.
  • Avoid foods that aggravate the infection, such as caffeine, chocolate, and citrus fruits, as they support bacteria to attack the bladder and urinary tract.


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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous July 19, 2022 at 8:54 AM

    God says,my people perish for they lack knowledge. Thank you so mch my kidney problem will be over soon

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