5 Health Benefits of Walking in the Fresh Air

5 Health Benefits of Walking in the Fresh Air

Walking in the fresh air is very useful in a bad mood, severe stress, or fatigue. It is very important for modern man. A nice clean smell promotes relaxation, improves mood, and the smell of trees reduces the feeling of fatigue and stress. With a slow walk, a person begins to feel calm and happy. He is left alone with the beauty of nature and his thoughts, which allows you to get the maximum benefit for the nervous system. The best place for hiking in the fresh clean air is some park.

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5 Health Benefits of Walking in the fresh air

1. 20% of the oxygen you breathe in is used by your brain to function. Increasing the amount of fresh air you have can provide greater clarity to the brain, promoting optimal function whilst helping you to think, focus and concentrate better. (Top 10 Foods that are Harmful For Brain Health)

2. Seratonin release is affected by the amount of oxygen you have in your blood. Seratonin promotes a sense of happiness and well-being so the more fresh air you have will help to significantly boost your mood. This is often why you feel better, more relaxed, and much more refreshed after being outside!


3. Fresh air is good for your lungs. When sitting indoors, it’s common to breathe shallowly, inhaling the air into the top of your lungs, known as apical breathing. When outdoors, moving, walking, or jogging encourages increased diaphragmatic breathing. This means that you breathe more deeply, drawing more air deep into the bottom of your lungs. This not only brings more oxygen into your cells but helps the lungs to expel more airborne toxins from the body. This, therefore, helps you to cleanse from the inside.

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4. Breathing in the fresh air can help to reduce airborne illness and infection. This is because bacteria and viruses have a reduced chance of survival in the fresh air. This is in comparison to warm, humid, indoor environments in which they thrive.

5. Increased oxygen improves the function and efficiency of every cell in your body improving the function of everything your body does. This ranges from hormone production, digestion, tissue renewal, muscle contraction, etc…! (How To Treat Knee Pains: 4 Ways To Treat Knee Pains At Home)


Stanford University conducted studies that proved: that an hour and a half walk in nature reduce the activity of the brain area responsible for negative emotions. Scientists noted that people who live in the countryside are less prone to negativity and depression.

Nothing is more important to the human body than oxygen, so walks in the fresh air are extremely useful.  They not only improve mood but also relieve stress.

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