6 Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Naturally

A woman's pregnancy is a lovely stage of her life. It's incredibly beautiful to stand up for an event that cannot be described in words. High blood pressure during pregnancy is one of the main worries, although it does have its share of unpleasant side effects.

It causes major health problems and is bad for both the mother and the unborn child. Here, we'll discuss natural methods for lowering high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Various kinds of blood pressure during pregnancy can occur like gestation high blood pressure, which generally occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy, or chronic hypertension, which is in someone owing to their genes or hereditary effects.

Then, there is again a situation that is rare – preeclampsia where a certain kind of complication occurs in some of the organs causing high blood pressure. Whatever may be the case, it is imperative to keep the pressure in check so that the body is healthy as well as there is no problem in the growth of the baby.

Reports also point to the fact when high blood pressure is felt during pregnancy, there is a chance that it puts a lot of stress on the heart, so, heart or kidney disease might occur. It further increases the risk of preterm delivery or fetal disorder.

Though in serious situations, it is best to consult a doctor; there are certain natural ways, which can be adapted to ensure that the pressure is kept in check, enabling a healthy and happy body.

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Natural remedies to lower high blood pressure in pregnancy

Enlisted are some of the natural remedies which are hundred percent natural with no side effects and can be safely done to get rid of high blood pressure during pregnancy.

1. Deep breaths for normal bp for pregnant mother

Breathing technique has been reported as the best way to keep stress as well as high blood pressure in check. Basically, through this process, one gets to inhale more of oxygen and pump it into various cells in the body, including the growing fetus.

The oxygenated cells get in the required energy content, and also, ease the stress, which lowers the blood pressure.

The best way to perform the breathing exercise is as follows:

  • Lie down on the back or sit straight with folded legs.
  • Keep your hands on the lower part of the abdomen, just below the stomach so as to support the fetus.
  • Keep the hand position the same even when lying.
  • Inhale deeply with your nose and then exhale out with your mouth.
  • While inhaling, focus on the movement of the air and how it inflates the stomach area. This makes you aware of the presence of oxygen.
  • Repeat this process at least 2- 3 times a day. Ensure that it is done comfortably, and in case, feel tired or dizzy, stop immediately.

2. Light exercise for increased blood pressure during Pregnancy

Science has proved that a sedentary lifestyle or inactivity is a major factor for high blood pressure. Hence, light exercise is always recommended for the same. And in the case of pregnancy, the best light exercise is brisk walking.

It ensures leg movement, and also, is very safe to be practiced for the entire nine months of pregnancy. Walking helps to keep the body active and also lowers hypertension.

For beginners, walking for about 20 minutes should be good enough, which can be slowly increased to 50-60 minutes. An additional benefit of walking is that it helps to build stamina, making the body ready for delivery.

SEE ALSO:Benefits Of Exercising While You’re Pregnant

3. Include potassium-rich food in your diet to lower bp during pregnancy

Another natural and easy way to control high blood pressure during pregnancy is to include potassium in your diet. A portion of about 2000 to 4000 mg is suggested to be included, which helps in increasing the transmission of the nerves of electrolytes and fluid flows.

Further potassium is an important nutrient for releasing energy from the intake of carbohydrates and proteins. Some of the vegetables and fruits, which are rich in the potassium content, are tomatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, kidney beans, peas, and raisins. Include one portion of any of these at least once in your meal and you are good to go.

4. Manage your weight to manage bp during pregnancy

While gaining a little is essential at the time of conceiving, it is important to control the chances of being overweight as this may be one of the factors for hypertension.

Make sure you are eating healthy and say no-no to caffeine and aerated drinks as they have high sugar content and extra calories which are harmful to the body.

Also, eat lots of fruits, fiber, and green vegetables that regulate proper metabolism, ensuring a healthy fetus. Another important point to remember is to check the intake of salt. Salt should be minimized and the only desirable amount should be consumed during this phase, which has the dual benefit of keeping the weight in check as well as reducing hypertension

5. Replace chocolates with dark chocolates

Temptation is very common during pregnancy. However, in the interest of health, it is advisable to replace chocolates with dark chocolates. Dark chocolates have cocoa and other flavonoids that are found to keep hypertension in check.

Basically, flavonoids in dark chocolate aid in the release of nitric oxide content in the body which in turn helps in pumping blood to the various organs, thus controlling its pressure.

Having an ounce of dark chocolate which has approximately about 70% of cocoa in it is safe for pregnant women. Ensure that the quantity is controlled else the calorie intake may increase.

6. Switch to low-fat milk

Consuming milk during pregnancy is very important; however, in case, you are trying to control your blood pressure it is advisable to consume low-fat milk.

Low-fat milk has a host of nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which aid in controlling blood pressure flow, and hence, its level and at the same time also aids in controlling weight. Lactose-intolerant ones can opt for hemp, almond, or coconut milk, which is equally good.

READ MORE:7 Herbs That Are Used In The Management Of High Blood Pressure


A major health problem for expectant mothers is high blood pressure. With the help of these natural therapies, one may simply control high blood pressure while pregnant and take pleasure in pregnancy while remaining physically and mentally healthy.

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