How to Take Good Care of Your Skin When You Have Diabetes

Everyone has to take care of their skin, but diabetics need to prioritize it. Although your skin may appear to be a basic object, it contains numerous blood arteries and nerves that need special attention if you have diabetes. Here, we'll include diabetic skin care advice.

Skin issues are more likely to develop if you have diabetes. This is due to the fact that sustained high blood sugar levels can harm your neurological system and impair your body's capacity to feel or notice even the slightest change. Therefore, you could have a wound on your foot without ever noticing it or feeling it, and as a result, wait to treat it until it becomes more complicated and develops into an ulcer or infection.

Another possible diabetes skin problem can be dry, itchy skin and rashes. Glucose deposits can result in poor blood circulation, leaving your skin dehydrated or malnourished.

To avoid all kinds of diabetic complications whether they are skin related or not, it is recommended to focus on controlling blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

Talk to your doctor about what lifestyle changes you need to adopt and the medical interventions that will be best for you. Eat healthy foods and limit carb intake along with exercising.

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How to Take Good Care of Your Skin When You Have Diabetes

Here are some ways you can manage your skin problems if you are a diabetic:

1. Keep blood glucose level under control

Most complications are a result of high blood glucose levels for a long period of time. Prevention is better than cure! So in order to avoid complications, it is vital that you maintain your blood sugar levels.

Controlling diabetes can help improve your skin problems. When blood sugar levels rise, your body produces more urine to get rid of excess sugar. This means your body also gets devoid of necessary fluids leading to dehydrated skin.

High blood glucose can also affect your nervous system which can ultimately lead to major complications including skin problems such as numbness or loss of sensation on the skin of extremities.

Diabetics are also prone to high blood pressure and this can affect their skin as well. Take your blood pressure medication regularly and cut back on salt. Follow your doctor’s advice about your diet and medication. Try to keep your glucose levels normal and maintain a healthy weight through exercise.

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2. Lookout for Wounds for diabetic wound care

Diabetic patients need to be really aware of their body’s all the time especially if they have neuropathy. Decreased sensation and blood circulation could mean you have an infected cut, scratch, or skin puncture and do not know about it. The goal here is to not let a small thing turn into a big problem.

Take a good look at your body, especially your feet after a shower. Lookout for any dry, red, or sore spots that could become infected. Make sure you check your legs, ankles, feet, and in between your toes every day for new wounds and for old ones healing progress.

If you see a cut somewhere, treat it right away. Do not neglect it! Wash it with soap and water. Do not apply antiseptics, iodine, or alcohol on clean cuts as they could be harsh. Contact your healthcare provider to get a prescription for an antibiotic cream or ointment to use on minor cuts. If you think a wound might not be healing, talk to your doctor right away.

Take measures to avoid wounds in the first place by covering up. So if you’re going outside for gardening or walking the dog, make sure you cover your legs with long pants and your feet with flat, well-fitting shoes. If you’re doing the dishes, make sure you wear dish-washing gloves to protect your hands from harsh chemicals in dish soap.

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3. Prevent Dryness

Diabetics are prone to dryness like dry skin on ankles diabetes as their body removes more water and produces more urine to eliminate glucose from the system. Prevent your skin from getting too dry at all costs. Dry skin can easily crack, itch, and get infected.

Do not use hot water for bathing and avoid long showers. Avoid exceeding the water temperature by more than 120 degrees and try not to stay immersed in water for more than 10 to 15 minutes.

Experts say that burns from hot water are also a risk if you have diabetic neuropathy, which can cause numbness in the hands and feet. After you’re done, pat your skin dry, don’t rub it. Use diabetic dry skin lotion.

Try not to scratch dry skin and apply moisturizer instead. Also, use a good moisturizer after showers. Make sure you buy a fragrance-free and dye-free moisturizer. Always use the best moisturizer for diabetics.

Use lip balm on chapped lips. You can also use a room humidifier in winter to keep your skin moist all the time to avoid diabetes-related skin conditions.

Cut down on the products you use on your skin. Choose moisturizing products over harsher brands when buying soaps and body washes. Most commercial products don’t hydrate your skin and contain a lot of chemicals that can dry out your skin even more.

Refrain from using bubble baths, which often contain detergents that can be drying. Go for natural products like oils and gels. Don’t forget to use sunscreen outdoors and protect your skin by using sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

4. Eat Healthy

Your diet can have a huge impact on your skin. Your skin can actually show if you’re having too much sugar and fewer nutrients. Eating whole grains, less saturated fat, and lots of fruits and vegetables is the key to improving your skin health but remember, not all fruit is the same for people with diabetes.

Fruits will alter your blood sugar because they are a carbohydrate and contain fructose. Reduce your consumption of dried fruits like raisins and cranberries as well as fruits with high sugar content.

Pick foods with lower sugars, such as berries. Fresh berries like strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries should constitute the majority of your fruit intake. These fruits are abundant and won't cause your blood sugar to spike.

5. Drink a lot of water

Through urine, diabetics lose a lot of water. To keep your skin healthy and moisturized, stay hydrated and consume more water than usual. To maintain healthy skin, use diabetic skin care advice and products.

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