15 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Milk Thistle + Milk Thistle Side Effects

The advantages of milk thistle may be known to those who have liver disease. It is one of the earliest plants used to cleanse our bodies. It is commonly utilized for its ability to reduce inflammation and act as an antioxidant, both of which help our bodies get rid of pollutants. Although the milk thistle plant is native to the Mediterranean region and flourishes in California, it is currently cultivated all over the world.

It is ingested in a variety of ways because of its vast range of health advantages. Most commonly, milk thistle is made into a tincture, or tea, or utilized to create supplements. The health advantages of milk thistle as a herb were first thought to be restricted to the digestive system, but this view was revised as a result of numerous scientific research demonstrating milk thistle's benefits.

15 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Milk Thistle + Milk Thistle Side Effects

What Is Milk Thistle?

The milk thistle plant is native to the Mediterranean region and has been in use for over 2000 years. Milk thistle properties include a high amount of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral. It contains flavonoid silymarin which is responsible for its health benefits.

Scientifically known as Silybum marianum has other common names such as Mary thistle, Mediterranean milk thistle, variegated thistle, Carduus marianus, Scotch thistle, blessed milk thistle, Marian thistle, and Saint Mary’s thistle.

The name is derived from its plant properties where white-milky liquid runs through the plant stem and leaves. When you will crush the leaves, it releases white-milky liquid.

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Milk Thistle

Have you ever wondered what is milk thistle used for? or What is milk thistle good for? here is the list of health benefits you can get from this ancient herb also known as Silymarin.

1. Milk thistle For Liver

Every bite we eat creates organic waste in our blood which gets filtered through the liver. Contamination of the liver can lead to more than two dozen diseases and some of them are fatal. Milk thistle benefits include cleaning our liver from organic dirt such as uric acid. People have been using it as a home remedy to reduce uric acid levels.

Milk thistle seeds are used in various detoxification recipes for their bioflavonoid antioxidants to support healthy liver functioning.

Drinking its tea or taking the supplement can be helpful in reversing the side effects of alcohol poisoning. Pesticide in food does not go away after washing or cooking, and milk thistle is good for cleaning them out from our system. It is widely used in Ayurvedic medicines for blood purification and promotes a high amount of oxygen in our blood. 

SEE ALSO:6 Early Signs Of Liver Damage That You Shouldn't Ignore

2. Milk Thistle For Weight Loss

Obesity is one of the biggest health concern in the United States where one in every three people are obese. Milk thistle benefits include cutting down weight around your belly and thighs. A 2016 research shows that mice fed with a high-fat diet were able to lose weight after taking silymarin.

Before going to sleep is the best time to take milk thistle for weight loss. It will help reboot your metabolism while you are sleeping and break down fat pockets. Our body consumes more energy during sleep and it will be beneficial in speeding up the process of losing weight

3. Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Milk thistle benefits heart health and helps you lower high cholesterol. It reduces the high level of LDL by purifying blood from organic waste, reducing inflammation of the liver, and preventing oxidative stress. According to the National Library of Medicine, when milk thistle extract is used for several observed periods of time, it can lower bad cholesterol (LDL), FBS, total cholesterol, and triglycerides levels in the blood.

In our search, we found that most of the health benefits of milk thistle were observed in the study performed on diabetic patients. People suffering from diabetes show a high tendency to bad cholesterol and it is not yet proven by studies that milk thistle is good for heart health for people who are not diabetic.

4. Milk Thistle For Gallbladder

The gallbladder is a four-inch, pear-shaped internal organ that is placed under your liver in the upper right section. It stores bile which is a mixture of fluids, fat, and cholesterol. The antiviral and antioxidant properties of milk thistle are good for your gallbladder health. It prevents them from inflammatory diseases and helps break down fat from food in the intestine.

Gallstones are formed when bile binds together and forms a stone-like structure. Its ability to detoxify the gallbladder may avoid the formation of gallstones.

Milk thistle boosts enzyme formation and the production of bile which is essential for healthy digestion. People suffering from upper gastrointestinal issues can benefit from milk thistle supplements or its tincture. And due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it soothes mucus membranes in the gut.

ALSO:Natural Gallbladder Cleanse: Effective Way To Dissolve Gallstones Naturally

5. Boost Immune System and Prevent Cancer

A healthy amount of milk thistle dosage can suppress cancer cells from growing. Milk thistle seed contains an antioxidant agent called silymarin, which is associated with the prevention of cancer. Silymarin can protect your DNA from getting affected by gene-altering pathogens.

Milk thistle benefits also include its ability to boost the immune system by cleaning the blood and lowering the levels of organic waste in our blood.

According to the Journal of Integrative Cancer Therapies, “There is strong preclinical evidence for silymarin’s hepatoprotective and anticarcinogenic effects, including inhibition of cancer cell growth in human prostate, skin, breast, and cervical cells.

Many people wonder – is milk thistle safe? Yes, milk thistle is safe and tolerable when taken at the recommended dose. It is a lifesaver, if nothing is working on keeping you safe from such a deadly disease then this herb might help. However, more studies and research need to be done on the efficacy of silymarin for the treatment of cancer.

6. May Help Manage Diabetes

Milk thistle is good for patients with diabetes reporting insulin resistance. Taking silymarin which is the active compound in milk thistle seed is beneficial for glycemic control.

A 2006 study found that patients taking silymarin extract were able to improve their insulin levels and found it useful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Insulin is the enzyme that manages blood glucose, rise and fall in its level can make people diabetic. It was observed that the herb was detoxifying the liver which is responsible for filtering the bloodstream that contains insulin.

Antioxidants in this herb affect the inflammation rate of internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder. Any problem in the lower body part organ can affect glycemic control.

7. Support Healthy Brain Function

Oxidative stress is one of the main reasons behind poor cognitive response. And antioxidants found in the milk thistle plant are good for improving oxygen levels in arteries. Studies suggest how milk thistle can protect our brain cells from degeneration. It can be useful for people suffering from Parkinson’s disease and may be the home remedy for hand tremors.

Ancient Ayurveda suggests that milk thistle was used for treating stress and anxiety. It relaxes our brain cells and prevents age-related cognitive problems such as Alzheimer’s, Degenerative brain cells, and Parkinson’s disease.

8. Beneficial For Fighting Back Allergy

The health benefits of milk thistle also include treating allergies. It is directly linked to liver detoxification which helps boost the immune system. And strong immune is responsible for the prevention of allergies and allergic reactions. People suffering from auto-immune diseases like Allergic Rhinitis or Lupus can take advantage of its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

The herb can protect your skin from allergic rashes such as intertrigo, Lyme disease rash, poison ivy rash, eczema, and pimples.

Its natural detoxifying properties flush out toxins from our bodies preventing these rashes from getting worse. Purification of blood also reduces oxidative stress which keeps our blood healthy.

9. Milk Thistle For Kidney

The problem of kidney stones is triggered by the accumulation of a high amount of uric acid in the kidney. This organic waste is passed through the liver and people drinking contaminated water or excessive alcohol are at higher risk of suffering from kidney diseases. Milk thistle is good for liver health and works as a kidney stone home remedy by dissolving them during the blood filtration process.

There is no scientific study claiming its direct association with kidney health. However, keeping your liver healthy can definitely cut down some of the common digestive issues.

10. Fight Back Aging

The aging process can catch speed due to oxidative stress, toxins in the blood, poor diet, and the formation of free radicals in our bodies. Thanks to milk thistle's antioxidant properties, it can purify our system and help slow aging naturally.

Many herbal creams for wrinkles and other common signs of aging use milk thistle seeds. Its medicinal properties help reduce visible signs of aging and make people look young. Reduction in free radicals and toxins also makes your skin shine and look fleshy.

11. Milk Thistle Is Good For Breastfeeding Mother

Newly born children need to drink milk mothers. The formation of milk in the breast has been a problem for centuries. During ancient times milk thistle was given to mothers to increase the formation of breast milk. This herb can stimulate the secretion of prolactin which is an enzyme responsible for stimulating milk production in females.

12. Milk Thistle for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Taking silymarin pills and tablets as per recommended dose can counter HCV infection.

Silymarin is one of the top natural herbal supplements consumed by western society for its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and immunomodulatory properties.

Milk thistle benefits patients with Hepatitis C by eliminating the virus and inhibiting them from replicating themselves.

Animal studies suggest the hepatoprotective effects of silymarin can promote inhibition of in vitro HCV infection.


13. Milk Thistle For Hangover

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol poisoning and acute hangover with headaches and congestion. Taking milk thistle seed extract before going to bed can reduce hangovers in the morning. It promotes liver cleaning which leads to the fast processing of alcohol.

Its antioxidant compounds help the brain to maintain sensible cognitive responses. Reduction of oxidative stress also helps with headaches and dizziness caused by drinking alcohol.

14. Milk Thistle For Acne

Hormone imbalance and high amounts of free radicals in our body can cause acne breakouts. Antioxidant bioflavonoids of milk thistle are beneficial for reducing toxins and improving skin oxidation which can prevent acne.

Removing impurities from the skin and blood will give you healthy skin. Now it's known that this herb has immune boosting qualities, it can support the treatment of acne caused by bacterial infection. Strong immunity is good for fighting back infections and preventing skin diseases.

15. Milk Thistle For Candida

Candida toxin damages our livers and prevents them from properly functioning. The use of silymarin or milk thistle extract protects the liver from aldehyde and candida toxins.

Most doctors suggest 420mg/per day of milk thistle seed extract which contains 70%-80% of silymarin to cleanse the liver from candida. These flavonoids promote new cell generation that is essential to heal damaged organs.

Those are the benefits of milk thistle, but there are other aspects we should know.

Milk Thistle and Dandelion Benefits

Both herbs are considered good for the liver and kidneys. They have a high amount of antioxidants which help flush out free radicals from our bodies.

Dandelion is used in Chinese medicines for centuries to protect the liver from oxidative damage and alcohol abuse. They are high in protein as compared to milk thistle and are popular in China and South East Asia. One cup of dandelion greens contains 112% of vitamin A, 32% of Vitamin C, and 535% of vitamin K of your daily recommendation of vitamins.

On the other hand, in the raw form (before extraction) milk thistle’s fruit contains Protein, Vitamin E, Silymarin, Silyhermin, Neo-silyhermin A and B, Sterols Quercetin Apigenin Kaempferol Eriodyctiol Chrysoeriol Naringin Dihydroxychromone.

Milk Thistle And Glutathione

Glutathione is one form of synergies that strengthens liver walls. It is a type of antioxidant that is found in plants, animals, and insects. Silymarin protects against the depletion of glutathione which is essential to prevent cellular damage and treat degenerative diseases.

Rising pollution, stress, anxiety, free radicals, and poor diet can deplete liver capabilities. Taking silymarin can protect you from this damage.

It is important to make sure you are not overdosing on milk thistle for its benefits. The high amount of such herbs is also not good for overall health.

Recommended Dosage of Milk Thistle

For liver detox, the recommended daily intake of milk thistle is 150 milligrams. You can break that down into 2-3 parts and take 50 milligrams three times in a day. It is tolerable but still considered a high amount of silymarin for your body.

A healthy adult can take 50-100 milligrams of this herbal supplement to support the liver.

The best way to take silymarin is through tea. It is easy to prepare and you can count the dosage according to your requirement.


Milk Thistle Tea Benefits

Silymarin tea is the best way to take milk thistle. There are other formats of dosage such its supplements capsules, tablets, and pills.

Its tea contains the same benefits as compared direct supplements. It is just another way to consume milk thistle for its benefits. Many people like hot beverages over formulated pills. Tea is a pure and organic way to take silymarin.

How To Make Milk Thistle Tea


  • 20 drops of milk thistle extract or,
  • 1 tablespoon of milk thistle seed powder
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 teaspoons of organic honey


  • Pour the water into a saucepan and bring it to boiling point.
  • Now mix seed powder and allow it to simmer for 3 minutes.
  • Strain and collect the water in a new cup.
  • Let it steep for 5 more minutes then mix honey as a natural sweetener.
  • The best time to drink milk thistle tea is 15 minutes before every meal.

Milk Thistle Side Effects

Some people show allergic reactions to high amounts of silymarin. So be careful and avoid overdosing. Milk thistle drug interactions can trigger an allergic reaction with multiple side effects:

  • Hives or persistent itching
  • Irritability
  • Other common skin rashes
  • Bloating
  • Swelling of the face
  • Constipation
  • Inflammation of the neck and throat
  • Insomnia
  • Acid reflux or heartburn
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Excessive sweating
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal distress
  • Heart palpitation (rare)

Now we know how silymarin is very much responsible for most of the milk thistle benefits. Pregnant women should consult with their doctor before taking this herb. It may interact with other pregnancy medications.

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