Apples are Okay, but Bananas are not...Top 10 Dialysis Diet Tips

If you have chronic kidney disease, good nutrition and diet are critical components of the treatment plan. The recommended diet, including amounts of protein, calories and nutrients, changes depending on how much kidney function you have. For those beginning dialysis treatment, monitoring your diet is essential to staying healthy. 

READ ALSO: Top 5 Signs of Kidney Cancer You Should Know


Here are some tips to keep you on track:

  • Cut out potassium and phosphorus


  • Avoid peanut butter, nut, seeds, dried beans and lentils. Even though these are high in protein, they are also high in potassium and phosphorous.
  • Use herbs, spices and low-salt flavor enhancers in place of salt
  • Avoid salt substitutes made with potassium.
  • Avoid whole grain and high fiber foods such as whole wheat bread, bran cereal and brown rice to help limit your intake of phosphorous.
  • All fruits have some potassium. Limiting potassium protects your heart. Choose apples and berries over oranges and bananas.
  • All vegetables have some potassium. Choose broccoli and cabbage over potatoes and asparagus.



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