9 Best Tips To Weight Loss Success

The way to reduce weight is not to worry about sticking to dangerous fad diets which all eliminate vital nutrients. 

Tips to weight loss

Tips To Weight Loss Success

The easy solution is the following nine easy steps:

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1. Clear out the kitchen cupboards, refrigerator and freezer of all processed foods, food with any additives or E numbers, sugar, corn syrup or salt in the ingredients, meat fats, premade ready meals, processed or regenerated meat products, sauces, white rice, white flour, cereals, sugar, chocolate, coffee, savoury and sweet snacks, fizzy drinks and any products with added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

2. Stock up on whole grains, brown rice, honey, seeds, legumes, nuts, raisins and other dried fruits, herbs and spices and herbal teas especially green tea. Then buy fresh fish, vegetables, yoghurt, eggs and fruit every few days.

3. Invest in a powerful juicer (900 watts) to gain even more nutritional from fruit and vegetables.
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4. Buy a pestle and mortar or an electric grinder to grind up nuts, seeds and whole grains to make your own additive and chemical free unrefined flour and breakfast cereals. You can also make your own nut and seed butters with rapeseed, olive or sesame oil, garlic and herbs and spices of choice. Make your own muesli with which ever ingredients you prefer and consume with plain natural yoghurt and use this yoghurt to make sauces and dips.

how to lose weight

5. Buy or collect some jars and fill them with seeds, nuts, dried beans, lentils, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, dried fruit, herbs and spices then label them all.
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6. Purchase a blender. Try steaming a wide selection of the vegetables listed below with the herbs and spices listed and a tablespoon or two of bottled or filtered water and tablespoon of cold pressed rapeseed oil. Then place in a blender for a deliciously healthy potage soup and eat a small bowl before each meal. Similarly blend a wide selection of the fruits together with nutmeg, cinnamon and honey to provide a tasty nutritious 'smoothie'. Add plain organic yoghurt to make the 'smoothie' or soup creamy. The blender will also allow you to make your own sauces with healthy ingredients and no additives.

weight loss tips

7. Start brine pickling to make vegetables last a whole year. This will also provide a good source of healthy friendly bacteria. Spice up brine pickles with chilli and make a chilli sauce to add to meals. 
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8. Grow your own Micro Diet sprouting grains, legumes, seeds and nuts to provide an intensively high nutritional addition to the diet but with very little volume of food intake. All that is required is a jam jar or muslin type bag and a daily rinse of water.

9. Start to walk more often rather than taking the car or public transport. The larger you are the more calories you will burn. For instance:
  • Walking slowly for 15 minutes would burn 48 calories whereas walking more briskly would burn about 70 calories for an over weight person.
  • Walking slowly for 15 minutes for an obese person would burn 71 calories and walking more briskly would burn 108 calories. (What Are The Benefits Of Exercise?)
Also try to use stairs instead of lifts as this burns many more calories than walking. Cycling and swimming are very good for weight loss and gentle on the joints. Find a physically exerting hobby or do some voluntary work which involves standing and walking more which is easier than meaningless drudgery on a treadmill.

Be determined and switch off the TV, mobile phone and computer and concentrate on doing jobs which can help with weight loss. De-cluttering the home, reorganising cupboards and drawers, filing paperwork, clearing out old clothes and spring cleaning can have a excellent psychological effect on the brain.

If the body is burning more calories than it is taking in and the correct balance of nutrients are being consumed, weight will be lost automatically without any conscious effort.

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