Health Benefits Of Peach

Health Benefits Of Peach

Peaches are delicious attractive fruits with velvety red and yellow skin.

They originated from China and were brought to the west by Alexander the Great and the Romans.

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The peach is related to other stone fruits such as apricots, almonds, plums and cherries.

Peaches help make the skin healthy and also add color of complexion.

It has been seen that consumption of peaches helps in the removal of worms from the intestinal tract.

Being reach in Vitamin A, peaches might help prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue.

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Peaches comprise of more than 80% water and at good source of dietary fiber, making them good for those trying to lose weight.

Consumption of peaches , on a regular basis, can keep your bowel movements regular and even prevent straining.

Researches have suggested that peaches have good to excellent antioxidant activity, some antimicrobial activity and good to excellent tumor growth inhibition activity.

Peaches have small laxative effect and a powerful diuretic effect and thus are recommended to people suffering from rheumatism and gout.

Peach flowers have sedative proprieties and are good for children who are restless, especially when boiled in water with sugar and honey.

 READ ALSO: Eating Fruits On Empty Stomach: Good or bad?

Health Benefits Of Peach

Peaches have been found to be beneficial for individuals suffering from the following:


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Dr Chigora

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Don't lose hope nature offers you health

BY:  Dr Chigbora:


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