POOR CIRCULATION: What Are The Signs Of Poor Circulation?

                      SIGNS OF POOR CIRCULATION

When you notice some symptoms that indicate some problems with blood circulation, target the cause and start some treatment in the very moment. Make sure you consult a doctor because this is a serious condition that can cause stroke, heart attack and even death.


Here is a list of 10 warning signs of improper blood circulation:


Numbness in some points of the body, especially the extremities can be an indication of problems with the circulation.

Also, numbness can appear as a result of persistent pressure on the hands and feet, compression of the nerves, exposure to cold, lack of magnesium and lack of vitamin B12. It can also be a sign of diabetes, underactive thyroid and multiple sclerosis.

what are the signs of poor circulation?


Swelling in your feet can be a result of high intake of salt, standing or sitting in one position for a long period of time, obesity, malnutrition, aging, pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome.

But if you experience swelling in the feet for a long period of time this can be a result of poor blood circulation.

Because of the lack of blood flow, the kidneys are unable to fulfill the process of keeping fluids in the blood vessels.

In this case, the fluid settles in the surrounding tissues and thus causes swelling. In some extreme cases, this condition can lead to leg ulcers.

When you experience such problem, raise your legs above the heart level. As soon as the circulation is improved, the swelling will stop. But, if the swelling is persistent, you must see a doctor. (8 REMEDIES FOR EDEMA OR WATER RETENTION)

poor circulation causes swelling of extremities


Fatigue can appear as a result of different medications and physical exertion, but if there is a persistent feeling of fatigue and tiredness then it may be related to poor blood circulation.

The improper blood circulation interferes with the normal functioning of the organs, even the muscles which do not have enough oxygen and necessary nutrients.

Along these symptoms, breathlessness, sore muscles and lack of stamina can appear.

Fatigue can also result from excessive intake of caffeine, alcohol, unhealthy eating habits, poor habits, depression, anxiety, stress and grief.


Good circulation maintains a regulated body temperature. When there is some problem with the circulation, the body cant have a normal body temperature, so the hands and feet are usually cold. This is because the blood cant reach the furthest points in your body, such as the fingers and toes.

In this case, you can rub the affected point so that you encourage the blood flow.

Another reason that causes cold hands and feet is the underactive thyroid, peripheral neuropathy or Raynauds syndrome. If you experience this problem without any known reason, consult your doctor to find out the exact cause for it.


Varicose veins on the legs can be a result of poor blood circulation because the improper flow builds pressure and the veins become twisted, swollen and visible.

Usually they appear on the lower extremities, causing itchiness, pain, restlessness, heaviness and burning sensations in the legs. Also, this is an important beauty concern for many people.

Other factors that can contribute to this condition are obesity, heredity, hormonal changes, constipation, use of control pills and a lot of standing on a daily basis.

If you face such problem, it is of crucial importance to wear compression stockings that will improve the blood flow. Make sure, you see your doctor regularly for a proper treatment. (Natural Home Remedy for Varicose Veins)

signs of poor circulation - varicose veins


The improper circulation will influence the immune system because when not distributed on time, the vitamins and minerals that the body needs have to fight off infections. In this way, the ability of the body to fight bacteria is affected.

If you have weak immune system, you may be more susceptible to wounds, cuts and grazes that may be more difficult to heal.

To improve your blood circulation exercise more often. Walk at least 20 minutes a day, 5 times a week and you will feel much better. ALSO READ:HAPPINESS BOOSTS YOUR IMMUNE FUNCTION


If there is no a proper blood flow in the reproductive organs, this may lead to erectile dysfunction. Further on, this can cause problems to achieve or sustain erection. This condition can be connected to atherosclerosis. So, men who suffer from this problem should consult a doctor in order to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular disease. READ MORE: How To Treat Erectile Dysfunction


Hair loss is an evident indication that there is an improper distribution of blood in the body. When the scalp does not receive the needed nutrients in the right time and amount, the hair becomes dry, thin and starts falling down.

For this purpose, it is recommended to massage the scalp with some hair oil in order to prevent hair loss. In this way, you will improve the blood flow and the hair follicles. Make sure you see a doctor if some additional treatment is needed.

Brittle nails and dry skin can also be a consequence of improper circulation because if the lack of nutrients.

However, hair loss can occur due to stress, aging, genetic factors, hormonal imbalance, smoking, thyroid disorder, infections of the scalp, chronic illnesses or iron-deficiency. (Hair Growth: 6 Essential Vitamins For Hair Growth)


If there is no an adequate blood flow, the heart wont be able to function in the proper manner. The poor circulation in your heart can lead to tightness and heaviness in the chest.

This problem is medically known as angina or angina pectoris. The chest pain can also be an indication of atherosclerosis in the heart arteries.

Other reasons that can contribute to chest pain can include heartburn, muscle spasm, upper respiratory infection, indigestion and stomach ulcer.

As soon as you feel some chest pain, see a doctor to prevent some serious life-threatening problem.


signs of poor circulation

Cyanosis is a discoloration of skin as a result of low levels of blood oxygen or an improper blood circulation. So, the color can change from bright red to dark one, the skin around the eyes, lips and gums can be blue. Even the fingers and toes can get a bruised look.

When such discoloration appears on babys skin, it may be an indication of a congenital heart disease. In this case, it is of crucial importance to look for an immediate medical advice.

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  • Dr. Agyapong
    Dr. Agyapong January 20, 2020 at 11:57 AM

    Good work DOCTOR

    • DR. APPIAH
      DR. APPIAH January 24, 2020 at 1:39 PM

      Thanks boss

  • Eleshebah
    Eleshebah October 20, 2020 at 11:51 PM

    Very helpful information!

    • DR. APPIAH
      DR. APPIAH October 21, 2020 at 5:44 PM

      Thank you very much for acknowledging.

      Keep reading for more.

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