Bed Bug Homemade Repellent You Never Knew

Bed Bug Home Made Repellent You Never Knew

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals this alone makes it dangerous.


They tend to be active at night, and they’re excellent at hiding in dark, soft places and crevices. This makes the mattress an ideal spot for them to settle, hence the name bed bug.

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They’re hard to spot with the naked eye because they’re so tiny, but if you’ve got them wandering around your house and munching on you and your family members, you’ll be sure to know it. Their bites, though harmless, are itchy and uncomfortable, and sometimes when killed by mistake smell bad.

Health Effects of Bed Bug Infestations


We will explore health-related problems that can arise as a result of bed bug infestations.

1. Skin Infections:

One of the common consequences of bed bug bites is skin infections. Intense itching can lead to scratching, breaking the skin, and increasing the risk of bacterial infections such as cellulitis, impetigo, and ecthyma. It is crucial to avoid scratching bed bug bites to minimize the chances of infection.

2. Allergic Reactions:

Some individuals may develop allergic reactions to bed bug bites. Symptoms can include severe itching, swelling, and even anaphylaxis in rare cases. If you experience any allergic reactions after being bitten by bed bugs, seek medical attention promptly.

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3. Secondary Infections:

Persistent scratching of bed bug bites can create an entry point for bacteria, resulting in secondary infections. These infections can worsen the discomfort and delay the healing process. Keeping the affected areas clean and applying topical antibiotics can help prevent secondary infections.

4. Sleep Disturbances:

Bed bugs are notorious for disrupting our sleep. The knowledge that these insects are lurking in our beds can lead to anxiety, stress, and insomnia. The constant fear of being bitten can significantly impact the quality of sleep, leading to daytime fatigue and reduced productivity.

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5. Psychological Effects:

Living with a bed bug infestation can take a toll on mental health. The stress, anxiety, and paranoia associated with these unwelcome guests can lead to emotional distress, depression, and heightened levels of irritability. Seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals is crucial during such challenging times.


6. Social Isolation and Stigma:

The presence of bed bugs in your home can carry a social stigma. People may avoid visiting your place or interacting with you out of fear of bringing bed bugs back to their homes. This social isolation can further contribute to feelings of loneliness and low self-esteem.

7. Dermatitis and Skin Irritation:

Bed bug bites can cause varying degrees of dermatitis, resulting in skin irritation, redness, and swelling. For individuals with sensitive skin, the irritation can be more severe. Applying soothing creams or using cold compresses can provide temporary relief.

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8. Scarring or Pigmentation Changes:

Repeated bed bug bites can leave behind marks on the skin. In some cases, these bites can result in scarring or changes in pigmentation. While these marks typically fade over time, it's advisable to avoid scratching to minimize the chances of permanent scarring.

9. Anemia (Rare Cases):

In rare instances, severe bed bug infestations can lead to anemia. This occurs when the constant blood feeding from bed bugs results in a significant decrease in red blood cell count. If you experience persistent fatigue, weakness, or shortness of breath, consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment.

ALSO SEE:Powerful Natural Mosquito Repellent Spray To Avoid Mosquito Bites

Bed Bug Homemade Repellent

We all know that most malaria in our system is caused by mosquitos but this bed bug feeds on blood who knows what it drops in our system too.

If you are a traveler always wash your clothes with warm water when you come back, due to the hotels you slept in.

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Things to Use to expel them:


How to use :

Grind or crush the clove to powder, grind or crush the lemon grass to powder, get your powdered thyme ready, grind your camphor fill all powder in a Spray can, and fill the water allow to soak for two days before the war.


Spray in all hidden places around the room and more on mattresses repeat spraying two days intervals before the third one you will not notice them again.


Please if you don't share this with your friends and group you don't like my hard work to feed us with ideas.

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  • Unknown
    Unknown January 1, 2021 at 5:44 PM

    What's thyme

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