8 Common Foods That Has Anti-Ageing Properties - Dr Appiah

Ageing is depicted as a characteristic cycle the body goes through as we get more seasoned. Notwithstanding, with the correct way of life and supplements, you need not stress a lot over your wellbeing decaying as you become more seasoned. 

Nine (9) Common Foods That Has Anti-Ageing Properties - Dr Appiah

There are sure food things that moderate the maturing cycle and furthermore keep up your wellbeing even as you develop old. 

8 Common Foods That Has Anti-Ageing Properties

Here are 8 nourishments that will help you against maturing:

1. Berries: 

Foods That Has Anti-Ageing Properties: berries

One of the most important benefits of berries is their role as an anti-oxidant for the body.

Berries prevent any damage caused due to natural oxidation that takes place as you grow old, furthermore, berries help in reducing body inflammations.

2. Green vegetables:

Green vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins that improve the health of skin, hair and nails to makes it look more youthful in appearance. 

Green vegetables also contain folate and calcium which improves eyesight and increased bone strength. Also, vegetables like broccoli and cabbage are associated with a lowered risk of cancer. 

3. Dark chocolate:

Cocoa beans, the main component found in chocolate, is very rich in antioxidants. Dark chocolate also assists in reducing the formation of skin wrinkles as it improves blood circulation and the ability of the skin to retain moisture thereby preventing wrinkles. 

4. Walnuts: 

Foods That Has Anti-Ageing Properties: walnut

Walnuts are made up of essential minerals and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. This food assists in regulating body cholesterol as well as improving immunity and digestion. 

All these can result in slowing the ageing of the body. (Read more: WALNUTS;THE WONDER FRUIT)

5. Beans:

Beans are highly nutritious and also very important in preventing ageing. Beans form great source of low fat protein which is important for muscle growth and development.

They are highly rich in fibre and this helps in lowering body cholesterol.

Beans also have a high content of biotin which means that they help in restoring lustre to dry hair and also assist in treating dry skin, which makes one a youthful appearance. 


6. Avocado: 

Avocado is a supplement rich food containing nutrient B&E, folic corrosive, enemies of oxidants, potassium, and mono-soaked fats. Avocados decline cholesterol levels, brings down pulse and furthermore makes the skin flexible. 

Maturing is a cycle that everybody experiences throughout everyday life except with these nourishments as a normal piece of your eating regimen, one can have more trust in your wellbeing even as you become more seasoned. 

READ ALSO: How To Make Avocado Pear Oil

7. Whole grains:

Whole grains foods tend to digest slowly thus helps in preventing diabetes and also reducing blood pressure levels.

Whole grains are rich in fibre and assist in clearing out toxins in the body. They also have a high level of minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants that help in preventing diseases associated with age such as cancer and heart problems.

8. Olive oil:

Olive oils are rich in monosaturated fats which are extremely healthy for the heart.

They also prevent the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots.

READ MORE ON OLIVE OIL HERE: How To Use Olive Oil and Bay Leaves For Combined Benefits? This is Amazing!

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 8, 2022 at 9:04 PM

    Amazing information. Keep it up Dr. Appiah

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