Top Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

benefits of chia seeds

Chia seeds are an ancient fuel source used for centuries by some of the world’s healthiest people. Chia seeds contain and abundance of life-enhancing nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and anti-oxidants. In this article, you will discover the top 3 health benefits of chia seeds and great recipes so you know how to use it.

Chia seeds are native to South America where they were revered by two of the most powerful tribes the Aztecs and Mayans. These tribes considered chia to be more valuable than gold. The Aztecs would traditionally consume chia before going into war or before a big hunt for extra energy and stamina.

Chia’s Nutritional Benefits:

Chia boasts an impressive array of flavonoid and polyphenol anti-oxidants including quercetin, kaempferol, chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. It has three times the amount of anti-oxidants as blueberries for equal volume.

Chia is also loaded with the small chain omega-3 fatty acid ALA and soluble and insoluble fibers. These key nutrients make chia a powerful defense against everyday stress and chronic disease processes.

1.Boosts Mental Function:

Chia is loaded with omega 3 fatty acids and nueroprotective anti-oxidants such as quercetin, caffeic and chlorogenic acid. These essential fats and anti-oxidants produce cell membranes that are more flexible and efficient.

Healthier cell membranes results in more efficient nutrient delivery systems and faster nerve transmission processes. This improves brain function including memory and concentration.

Chia seeds benefits

2.Improve Blood Sugar Sensitivity:

Chia seeds nutritional components include healthy fats, anti-oxidants clean proteins and fiber. Chia contains no sugar and very minimal amounts of non-fibrous carbohydrates. Chia also contains high levels of calcium, magnesium and potassium.

This combination is perfect for healthy blood sugar levels and sustained energy. A diet that includes chia seeds is a powerful combatant for diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome.

3.Healthy Gut Function:

The healthy gut bacteria that are digestive system depends upon thrive off of different forms of fiber. Sugar is the enemy of these life giving microorganisms because it feeds the parasitic organisms that are in competition. Chia’s makeup of essential fats, anti-parasitic anti-oxidants and rich array of fibers is a perfect nutritional blend to build a healthy gut.

The chia fibers are able to absorb ten times their weight in water which helps to hydrate the colon and move toxins out of the gut. The blend of insoluble and soluble fiber helps to sweep and sponge microorganisms and environmental toxins out of the colon and into the feces.

These are the top three incredible benefits of chia seeds. You can leave your comments in the comment section or just hit on the whatsapp logo. Keep reading for more. 

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