14 Best Superfoods to Improve Male Health - Dr Appiah

Being lean and agile is not just important for our physical appearance, but in fact, it is more important for our bodily health and strength. Remember what they say, you are what you eat. Eliminating bad eating habits can be challenging but if you are focused on creating a clean and healthy eating regimen, you need to start by rethinking the nutritional value of all your favorite foods.


You can reap satisfaction from cold pressed fruit juices, leafy green vegetables, fatty fish and other superfoods that are flavorful, delicious, satiating and brimming with nutrients.


Eating smart is not that difficult, you simply need to focus on building a diet that consists of rich concentrations of nutrients, muscle-fortifying superfoods, immunity boosting diet and a clean cooking process.
If you’re worried about where to start and which foods to consider, we have created a list of all the powerful superfoods that will add value to your life.

Here, take a look at all the food items that you should add to your daily diet:

1. Green Tea

Research reveals that consuming 1-3 cups of green tea a day can aid the body in shedding off excess weight, but other than weight loss, green tea has even more compelling benefits. Green tea is a potent natural beverage that fights against the risk factors of cancer, along with preventing other medical ailments.

Basically, green tea aids the body in detoxification and purifying the organs. However, it is important to keep your body hydrated when you’re consuming more than one cup of green tea a day.

2. Spinach

Remember Popeye the sailorman and the can of spinach that he would devour before every fight? Spinach is brimming with calcium, strength-fortifying iron, and 100% of your daily recommended dosage of beta carotene, which enhances vision and improves the immune system. Spinach is a flavorful leafy green vegetable that can be sneaked into any and every recipe, be it a soup, smoothie, sandwich, juice, pasta or a baked casserole.

3. Quinoa

Quinoa is a light and flavorful grain that packs up 318 calories in every half cup serving, along with a rich concentration of fiber, and B complex vitamins. Quinoa is a remarkable dietary staple for all those who don’t add whole grains to their diet. It packs up a higher concentration of protein as compared to all the other grains, and it is also brimming with the potent and heart-healthy unsaturated fats. Experts recommend the consumption of at least 2-3 servings of quinoa a week.

4. Olive oil

Olive oil is brimming with healthy monounsaturated fats, which makes it a remarkable food staple for the heart and immune system. Multiple studies have revealed that the risk factors of heart disease can be significantly reduced by substituting two tablespoons of saturated fat, which can be found in lard and butter, with monounsaturated fats found in olive oil.

A recent study revealed that olive oil is brimming with powerful anti-inflammatory content that allows it to reduce the symptoms of swelling and pain, much like the relief associated with ibuprofen.

Olive oil is incredibly versatile and can be used for various purposes, including cooking, salad dressings and more. One tablespoon packs up 119 calories, and experts recommend the consumption of at least 2 tablespoons a day.

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5. Almonds

Since Almonds are considered rich in calories, some people tend to avoid them despite their impressive health and wellness benefits. Experts strongly recommend adding mindful servings of almonds to one’s daily diet because they do not encourage weight gain.

In fact, research reveals that since almonds are hard to break down, the body is unable to absorb a large amount of the calories in them. Moreover, the regular consumption of almonds reduces the risk factors of heart ailments, and aids the body in eliminating excess cholesterol.

Almonds are packed with a wide range of nutrients, including heart-healthy unsaturated fats, vitamin E and fiber. We strongly urge you to keep a jar on your desk for a healthy snack, and be sure to add almond butters to your breakfast platters and smoothies.

6. Black beans

As small as they are, black beans are powerhouses of nutrients, and they work wonders at energizing the body and promoting feelings of satiety. Black beans are brimming with fiber, and they aid in filling you up and curbing inflammation. Black beans pack up only 277 calories in a one-cup serving, and they are brimming with complex carbohydrates, which take a long time to break down into energy that the body can use.

They are completely devoid of saturated fats, and they pack up a significant concentration of protein. A one ounce serving of black beans can deliver more fiber than any other kind of beans or legumes.

7. Soy

Soybeans are a terrific food staple for athletes and bodybuilders, and all those who are trying to eliminate carbs and reduce calories to lose weight. Soybeans don’t necessarily have to be bland but in fact, they are flavorful and can be added to some amazing recipes.

If you are a vegetarian, you must add soybeans to your diet as they are brimming with protein, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and much more. Tofu and soy milk can add a powerful dose of minerals and nutrients to your body, and you can add soy protein and soy nuts to your smoothies and soups for a gut-healthy treat.

8. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is the perfectly ingredient for a powerhouse breakfast that will brim you up with energizing nutrients and keep you satiated for longer hours. Oatmeal is packed with rich concentrations of zinc, which enhances the immune system and busts off stress, while one cup of oatmeal packs up only 148 calories.

Regular consumption of oatmeal is highly effective at promoting weight loss and aids in preventing the symptoms of heart ailments. Oatmeal is brimming with rich concentrations of soluble fiber which fortifies the heart and arteries by reducing cholesterol levels.

It is important to steer clear of flavored oats or single-serving packages that are brimming with artificial flavors and added sugars. Instead, you can pick out steel-cut or instant oatmeal and garnish it with your choice of sugar-free sweeteners, honey, fruits, nuts, chia seeds and milk.

9. Whole-wheat bread

White bread creates a sudden increase in energy, which dies down just as quickly as it does not contain any fiber or protein. These insulin spikes damage your body by damaging the cells and encouraging the body to store up excess fats. Whole wheat bread, on the other hand, packs up rich concentrations of fiber and since they are low in carbs and rich in complex carbs, they also promote weight loss.

Fiber-rich whole wheat bread promotes feelings of satiety, and provide you energy that is sustainable for longer hours. Just be sure to pick out a label that says whole wheat in the ingredient list as opposed to scooping up any bread that is brown in color.

10. Broccoli

Broccoli only packs up 31 calories in a one-cup serving, and it is brimming with countless nutrients, including vitamin C, fiber, calcium and iron amongst others. The regular consumption of broccoli is associated with strong bones, higher immunity and a healthy circulatory system.

If you don’t like broccoli, try adding some to your pastas, pizzas, stir-fry veggies, or even steam up some chunks and devour them with a hummus dip.

11. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are incredibly flavorful and a medium-sized serving contains no more than a 100 calories, and 100% of your daily recommended dosage of beta carotene. Sweet potatoes are also rich in iron and vitamins C and E. These nutrients aid in preventing all kinds of cellular damage, and they are considered particularly healthy for athletes who seek to overcome challenging environments, such as extreme heat, cold or altitude.

Research reveals that sweet potatoes are excellent for muscle recovery after an intense workout. This versatile veggie can be consumed in more ways than one, including baked goods, boiled, stir-fried veggies, potato salads, meatloaves, burgers, fries and a lot more.

12. Tomatoes

Tomatoes garnered the name of love apples for their powerful aphrodisiac properties, which aid in enhancing sexual health, along with improving overall bodily functions. Tomatoes are brimming with a miraculous ingredient: lycopene.

Lycopene is a mighty antioxidant that is brimming in the pigment that is responsible for the bright red color of tomatoes. This antioxidant builds up a strong defense against a wide range of illnesses and for men, it aids in fighting off the risk factors of prostate cancer.

A plethora of clinical research reveals that men who consume tomatoes and tomato-based products have a much lesser chance of suffering from prostate-related ailments as compared to men who don’t. Tomatoes are much more nutrient-dense when consumed after cooking because the heating process makes lycopene much more bio-available.

A tall glass of tomato juice, tomato-based sauces, salads and baked tomato casserole are great techniques of consuming this nutrient-rich superfood.(Read more: BENEFITS OF TOMATO ON SKIN)

13. Blueberries

A half cup serving of blueberries contains no more than 41 calories, and these berries are brimming with rich concentrations of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Berries contain a rich profile of antioxidants, which fight off diseases and free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for damaging body cells, encouraging the onset of various illnesses and infections, along with triggering premature signs of aging.

Blueberries can be consumed in smoothies, cereals, oatmeal, fruit salads, juices and even baked goods. Research reveals that blueberries are especially powerful at boosting memory, improving the health of the nervous system and promoting mental clarity.

14. Water

Experts strongly advise everyone to have at least eight tall glasses of water a day, and it contains zero traces of calories. Water aids in flushing out toxins from the body, fortifying joints, preventing the emergence of kidney stones, and normalizing body temperatures.

Water provides the body a wide range of essential minerals, and it has a powerful role to play in encouraging weight loss. Drinking two glasses of water before mealtime will help you curb your hunger and eat less.
If you don’t like consuming plain water, you can always make sugar-free lemonade, or add chunks of fruits into your water and sip it all day long.

Men should really take these superfoods seriously if you they want to be strong and healthy.

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