8 Signs that You Need to Call an Ambulance Urgently

Understanding when to phone an ambulance, take someone to A&E, or to their GP is a critical decision. Particularly when the NHS is overwhelmed!

8 Signs that You Need to Call an Ambulance Urgently

Ambulances may struggle to get to you as the A&E departments are gridlocked and ambulances are therefore queuing for hours to deliver patients to A&E. Patients are spending many hours on trolleys in A&E or in the back of ambulances, waiting to be seen.

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Signs that You Need to Call an Ambulance Urgently

1. Acute sudden abdominal pain. If the pain is so severe that you literally can't find a place for yourself, this is a sign of a catastrophe in the abdominal cavity, for example, a perforation of an ulcer, acute pancreatitis, appendicitis or an infarction of the abdominal arteries.

SEE ALSO: Peptic Ulcer Disease Treatment

2. Cough with bloody sputum. Most often, hemoptysis occurs due to an infection in the lungs, such as pleurisy or pneumonia. It can also be a sign of cancer, tuberculosis or pulmonary edema.

3. Speech disorders. The loss of the ability to read or write should also alert. All this indicates disorders in the brain, most often caused by a stroke.

4. Sudden deterioration of vision. You can stop seeing completely or partially, on one, both eyes, or on some part of the field of vision. Most often this happens with a stroke. (Simple Food Swap Protects Vision as You Age)

5. Appears not to be breathing, is having chest pain, struggling to breathe, or breathing in a strange way -appearing to ‘suck in’ below their rib cage and using other muscles to help them to breathe.

6. Has a severe injury that is bleeding profusely and you are unable to stop with direct pressure on the wound.

7. Is unconscious or unaware of what is going on around them or experiencing weakness, numbness, or difficulty speaking.
Has a seizure for the first time even if they seem to recover from it later. You should phone an ambulance if someone is having a seizure and the fitting lasts longer than 3 minutes.

8. Has a severe allergic reaction it is important to administer their adrenaline auto-injector (if they have one) and then phone an ambulance immediately.

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