How to Train Yourself to Go to Bed at the Same Time

How to Train Yourself to Go to Bed at The Same Time

According to research from Oxford, the ideal time to wake up and feel good at the same time is 9.30 at 20, 8 a.m. at 30, 7.30 at 40, 7 a.m. at 50, and 6.30 a.m. after 60.

The duration of sleep for adults should be from 7 to 9 hours, and for the elderly after 65 years — from 7 to 8 hours.

ALSO READ: 10 Reasons Why Good Sleep Is Important

Violation of circadian rhythms knocks down the work of all systems and organs, which can lead to serious health problems.

For those who chronically lack sleep, interrupt sleep cycles, go to bed irregularly and constantly change the time of rising, the risk of cardiometabolic problems increases, which, in turn, is fraught with the development of pathologies and disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.

Benefits of a Fixed Sleep Time

By getting up at the same time every day, you may yield some unexpected benefits. With improved sleep, insomnia and sleep deprivation may be decreased. Consider the following bonuses for observing a fixed wake time:
  • Easier to wake up
  • Less morning sleep inertia
  • Easier to fall asleep (less insomnia)
  • Decreased sleep deprivation
  • Fewer naps
  • Reduced caffeine dependence
  • Improved alertness
  • Sharper focus and short-term memory
  • Brighter mood
  • Less irritability
  • Decrease pain
  • Better immune system function
  • Better safety and job performance
  • Safe and attentive driving

Who wouldn't want even some of these improvements?

The human body likes to live in a stable rhythm.

Foot Massage For Better Sleep 

Foot massage, this is probably the last thing we devote time to. And in vain, because it is very useful for the general state of our health. If you massage your feet every evening, then you are lucky! Let's figure out together why foot massage is so useful for us.

Believe it or not, our entire health literally depends on our legs. Based on the principles of reflexology, each part of our foot is closely connected to a specific part of the body. So it is necessary to massage every centimeter of the feet to give "life" to our whole body.

Massage of this kind will reduce stress and prevent disorders caused by free radicals. Regular foot massage will fill you with energy and cheerfulness. Moreover, it will help to improve your blood circulation.

Foot massage will also help you sleep better. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to do this massage in the evening. It will help you relax and relieve stress.

Pay special attention to the solar plexus reflex. A huge amount of stress accumulates in it. Having massaged this part of the foot, you will not notice how the previous anxiety will disappear somewhere.

Some tips on how to do a foot massage correctly

Here are some tips on how to do a foot massage correctly.

First, you need to take a warm foot bath for 20-30 minutes. You can always add your favorite essential oils to it to achieve optimal effect. Then wipe your feet dry and apply a thin layer of massage oil. Start with the ankle, and then gently pull your fingers to the side and back, so you will develop muscles.

With this massage, sleepless nights will be a thing of the past.

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