4 Effective Recipes For Strengthening The Immune System

4 Effective Recipes For Strengthening The Immune System

The immune system is made up of special organs, cells and chemicals that fight infection (microbes). The main parts of the immune system are: white blood cells, antibodies, the complement system, the lymphatic system, the spleen, the thymus, and the bone marrow. These are the parts of your immune system that actively fight infection.

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4 Effective Recipes For Strengthening The Immune System

1. The first recipe (strengthening mixture of dried fruits and honey)

It is necessary to use a mixture prepared according to the following recipe every evening for two months before going to bed. Put one fig fruit, five soft dried apricots (dried apricots) and one medium prune fruit through a meat grinder. Now add half a teaspoon of liquid honey to the mixture and mix the mass thoroughly until a homogeneous paste-like consistency. The mixture prepared in this way can be eaten both in its pure form and as jam on a small slice of fresh black bread. This folk remedy contains substances that cause the process of tissue regeneration, which makes up the intervertebral discs (soft). In addition, these same substances have a beneficial effect on the elasticity and strength of other body tissues!

2. The second recipe (Pumpkin + Cinnamon + Honey)

To prepare the next strengthening mixture, it is necessary to peel about one hundred grams of pumpkin, then cut it into small cubes and fry it in butter (you can also cook a pumpkin for a couple). Now mash the finished pumpkin with a fork to a puree state and add two teaspoons of liquid honey, half a spoonful of cinnamon and two tablespoons of ripe apple crushed on a coarse grater (this product can be replaced with one prune fruit). The mixture prepared in this way is consumed throughout the day, washed down with green tea or infusion (decoction) of rose hips. This mixture helps to strengthen the immune system, and also helps to strengthen blood vessels and muscles.

3. The third recipe (a mixture to strengthen immunity)

To prepare a mixture to strengthen immunity according to the following recipe, you need to grate two teaspoons of lemon zest on a fine grater, and then mix it with three tablespoons of liquid honey and one teaspoon of onion juice until smooth. The finished composition is taken in the morning and washed down with warm water.

4. The fourth recipe

It is necessary to take three fresh lemons and chop them with zest, then mix the gruel with chopped hazelnuts (about twenty kernels) and five tablespoons (large) of liquid honey. Let the mixture stand in the refrigerator for three days, and then use it three teaspoons a day. This mixture is recommended for strengthening the vessels of the cardiac system.

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