Home Remedies To Use For Diabetes

Diabetes is defined is a metabolic disorder characterized by too much glucose or sugar in the bloodstream.

Many people over the world are really suffering from disease. At first, Diabetes was classified as “RICH MANS DISEASE” but today the poor people suffer the most from diabetes. This is because TYPE 2 DIABETES results from unhealthy lifestyle and we know rich men eat poorly. (Lots of fatty foods, meat, sugar etc). We are going to look at some Home Remedies for Diabetes.

Home Remedies for Diabetes

1. Mango Leaves

It may seem unbelievable but consuming a tea made with fresh mango leaves can do wonders for people with diabetes. All you need is 15 mango leaves, boil it for at least 15 minutes and drink it after straining on an empty stomach. You should drink it at least once in a day to balance sugar levels the bloodstream.

Home Remedies for Diabetes: Mango leaves


2. Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd is a powerhouse of charanthin – a chemical. When you consume it regularly, bitter gourd helps lower blood glucose. The former increases secretion of pancreatic insulin to combat its imbalances. Nutritionists recommend bitter gourd to people with any type of diabetes to control their condition.

Home Remedies for Diabetes: Bitter gourd

3. Basil Leaves

Nutritionists suggest that incorporating natural source such as basil leaves can alleviate high blood sugar levels without hurting your health. The leaves of basil are a powerhouse of antioxidants and various compounds that promote the adequate functioning of cells that release and intact insulin.

You can incorporate basil leaves into your daily routine by adding them to the meals you prepare and can consume one tablespoon juice of it before breakfast.

Home Remedies for Diabetes: Basil


4. Cinnamon

Enriched with bioactive compounds such as cinnamic acid, cinnamaldehyde, and cinnamate cinnamon is a wondrous spice that can improve the health of the diabetics. It is famous for controlling diabetes and alleviates high blood sugar levels in your body by triggering insulin activity.


Moreover, nutritionists suggest that the spice could become an effective option for the patients with type-2 diabetes. One of the quick ways to incorporate cinnamon into your routine is to consume cinnamon tea once a day.


5. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is one of the most useful spices that can help maintain type 1 and two diabetes. Studies have shown that the nutrients found in it such as dietary fiber function to control high levels of glucose. Moreover, it will allow your blood to absorb sugar properly preventing its buildup in your body organs.


6. Indian Gooseberry

You can obtain plenty of vitamin C from Indian gooseberry that is an antioxidant. The fruit possesses numerous health benefits including balancing sugar levels in your bloodstream. Consuming gooseberry supports pancreas activity and aids in the production of insulin. It could also become a safe source to lower excess glucose in your body.

Indian gooseberry

7. Curry Leaves

Once you learn that curry leaves are potent enough to maintain glucose levels in your bloodstream, you will add them to your meals regularly. The leaves are said to reduce sugar quantity obtained from the starch.


8. Aloe Vera

Enriched with phytosterols, aloe vera can have an anti-hyperglycemic effect on the people with type 2 diabetics. Nutritionists suggest that it is a safe and natural source to alleviate fasting sugar levels in your blood. Also, you can prepare a mixture of turmeric, bay leaves, and aloe vera, this herbal medicine is said to control glucose in the blood.


9. Guava

Guava is a powerhouse of fiber, and vitamin C. Studies have proved that both nutrients are essential when it comes to maintaining sugar levels in the diabetics. The high content of fiber in the fruit supports metabolism that ultimately leads to better sugar absorption. And the antioxidants will ward off further factors that contribute to type 1diabetes. (READ ALSO: Guava: Strong Antioxidant Food for Your Immune System)


10. Neem

Bitter in taste, neem is beneficial in treating diabetes. Studies have proved that incorporating Indian lilac can maintain blood sugar levels stimulating insulin activity without hindrance. Although natural sources do not contain adverse effects, it is still suggested to consult with your endocrinologist in case constant high glucose content in the bloodstream.

 READ ALSO: Neem Powder: 5 Surprising Benefits

11. Green Tea

You can reap plenty of polyphenol by consuming green tea. Nutritionists recommend at least one cup of warm green tea regularly to regulate irregular blood sugar levels.


12. Cloves

Cloves are said to be effective in treating insulin resistance. Studies revealed that the spice is a powerhouse of numerous antioxidants such as quercetin, anthocyanins, and phenol. (Read more on the health benefits of cloves here)

13. Rosemary

People with diabetes will be delighted to learn that rosemary doesn’t only add flavors to their meals but it could help neutralize high glucose levels as well. Regular consumption of the herb is highly beneficial for gestational and type 1 and two diabetes.


14. Flax Seeds

Munching on some flex seeds can change the condition of your overall well-being. They are highly beneficial for the diabetics as well. Enriched with antioxidants, regular consumption of the seeds will reduce insulin sensitivity, due to oxidative stress alleviation in your body. Also, the fiber in the flax seeds helps absorb fats and sugars alike. (Read more on flaxseeds)

(I recommend you buy from here)

All the above mentioned are some home remedies for diabetes.

Note: Be checking your blood sugar when you decide to use any natural remedy to lower your blood sugar

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