How To Stop Sleep Talking Naturally: Tips to Reduce the Chance of Talking in Your Sleep

You might have had encounter with people who talk in their sleep if you have stayed in a room with two or more people before. It’s a very common occurrence for some people. If you are one, follow the tips below.

                            how to stop sleep talking

Quite a few people talk in their sleep. Often it is an unintelligible gibberish, but sometimes they are very clear words or phrases. Most people don’t remember any of that in the morning. Talking in sleep has nothing to do with dreams, during a dream, there is even less chance that someone will start talking than at another stage.


Talking in your sleep is a form of parasomnia, an innocent sleep disorder in which you show unusual behavior that makes it seem like you are awake.

Other well-known examples of parasomnia are sleepwalking and nightmares. When talking in your sleep, you are on the border of being awake and dreaming. This has little influence on sleep quality itself and most people have little trouble with it unless it happens every night and you, therefore, get sleep deprivation.


It can be embarrassing if you start confessing secrets, scolding people or if you disturb your partner’s night’s sleep.

How To Stop Sleep Talking Naturally

Talking in your sleep can’t really be treated, but you can try to reduce it. Indeed, it appears to be more common in people who are stressed, under severe pressure, or after a strenuous or emotional TV evening.

sleep talking tips

1. Do relaxation exercises.

Sleep rituals, such as drinking a glass of water, brushing hair, setting up music, also have a relaxing effect. (Best Direction to Sleep – Healthy Sleeping Positions)

1. Maintain a regular sleep rhythm

Avoid crowds and stress just before bedtime. For example, don’t watch an exciting or emotional movie right before bedtime, or have a difficult conversation. Wait at least half an hour after such an event before you go to sleep.

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