Top 9 Health Benefits of Blackseed Oil

Black Cumin Seed Oil (also often called Black Coriander Oil or simply Black Oil) comes from the Nigella Sativa plant that is native to Asia. Recent studies on this incredibly powerful seed oil show it may be helpful in combating super bugs like MRSA or h.pylori and in cancer patients.
The plant is technically part of the buttercup family and has small, black, crescent-shaped seeds. Historical accounts of Black Seed use date back as far as the times of King Tut in Ancient Egypt. Cleopatra reportedly used black cumin seed oil for beautiful hair and skin and Hippocrates was fond of using it for digestive troubles.
Its active compounds, crystalline nigellone, and thymoquinone, are the most studied, but it also contains myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, proteins and vitamins B1, B2, B3, calcium, folate, iron, copper, zinc and phosphorous.
Uses & Benefits of Black Seed Oil
Studies have also shown that black seed oil can be useful for:1. Asthma & Allergies
Multiple studies have found that black seed oil has anti-asthmatic effects and depending on the cause of asthma, it was sometimes more effective than conventional treatment. The same properties make it beneficial for relieving allergies for many people.2. Eczema and Psoriasis
Black seed oil is also used for skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. It helps soothe inflammation and improve the speed and which skin heals.3. Digestion
Nigella Sativa seeds are carminative, meaning they aid in digestion and may decrease gas, bloating, and stomach pain. Black seed oil is often sometimes used in remedies for intestinal parasites. In preliminary studies, it was also shown to inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells with no negative side effects.4. Candida and Fungus
Black seed oil was also shown to be helpful in battling candida and fungal infections in the digestive system and on the skin.5. Cancers
Other studies have shown that a compound in black seeds and oil, Thymoquinone, helps induce apoptosis (cell death) in leukemia cells and other studies have shown this same effect in breast cancer cells, brain tumor cells, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, and even oral cancer cells and cavity-forming bacteria. Black seed oil is also sometimes recommended as a natural protection against some of the dangers of radiation and is used in conjunction with conventional treatments.6. Heart Health
Thymoquinone in Nigella Sativa seeds has also been shown to have a protective effect on the heart, promote healthy cholesterol levels, and help normalize blood pressure.7. MRSA and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
A 2010 study found that black seed oil was effective for patients with h.pylori infections (without ulcers). Studies have also shown that Nigella Sativa was effective against MRSA.8. Immune Health
Nigella Sativa is unique in its way of supporting the immune system. it contains antioxidants, beneficial acids, and vitamins and supports the immune system, but acts differently than herbs like elderberry or echinacea that require caution for those with autoimmune disease. Black seeds seem to balance the immune system- increasing immune function but not encouraging immune reactions against the body’s healthy tissue.It has been used in alternative HIV protocols for years and it is often recommended on various autoimmune disease forums (with testimonials from those it has helped). I first found research on black seed oil when researching my own autoimmune thyroid disease.

9. Skin and Hair
It is also used topically in some cultures to naturally soften, strengthen and firm skin and help increase hair growth. Some studies even suggest that it may be a very useful remedy against scars and to prevent scar formation on wounds.Problems with Seed Oils
There can be problems with any vegetable or seed oil, including black cumin seed oil if it isn’t extracted, processed, or packaged correctly. It can easily go rancid if any of these factors are not correct and it is also important that the oil is stored in a dark, glass bottle (preferably miron glass).
Black Cumin Seed Oil: What to Look For
Black cumin seed oil is the most absorbable and concentrated form, and from my research, the most effective way to consume black seeds. It is just important to make sure that it is from a quality source and preferably:- Organic
- Pure pressed without chemical extraction
- Contains no additives or diluting oils
- Protected from rancidity by high-quality light and air protective glass
How I Use Black Seed Oil
I take a teaspoon of this oil straight a couple times a day. It works great to add a teaspoon or so to an oil-cleansing blend, I’ve also experimented with adding it to lotions, shampoos, and hair detox, and skin products with great results and I’ll be sharing those recipes soon!The Bottom Line of Black Cumin Seed Oil
Black cumin seed oil is an amazing food that has been used for thousands of years for its ability to support health naturally. It isn’t a panacea or a miracle drug, just a potent natural oil. It is considered safe for culinary use (or in similar amounts-no more than a few teaspoons a day).Use common sense. Black seed oil is a food, but a nutritionally potent one. You wouldn’t drink a gallon of coconut oil or eat five pounds of the liver in one sitting (I hope), so consume black seed oil as you would any food- in moderate and healthy amounts. Anyone with a medical condition or who is pregnant/nursing should check with a doctor before using this or any substance.
This black seed oil has changed my life instantly. I heard about it fin this group from a good Samaritan when I posted my leg problem . I had a big wound on my leg that was growing from inside and very sore and getting black. I have had it since January this year and i have tried lots of doctors and medicines but none of them healed me. Then last week Friday I started taking black seed oil three times a day one teaspoon mixed with ginger and now I don't have any pain Amy more and the swollen is no longer there. I can wear my shoes and iam sleeping like a baby. Thank you Dr. APPIAH for açepting me in your group and sharing the remedy to me. I owe you big time ! Imagine how much I have spent since January on doctors and medicines and here iam getting healed with free information ! Bravo
Waaaoow... I'm in awe for this great transformation. May God continue to heal you.
Keep reading for more info.